Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 26


Who were you talking to just now? :-)))

With no one. This thread is not for talking.

Read the title of the thread and questions will go away....


Yusuf keeps his cool, coming up with brilliant new ideas. Highlighted by me:

Новый Форекс

yosuf 28.03.2011 22:40

I think that Forex is not a market at all, because market laws do not work here. In the real market when you sell a commodity at a low price, you sell a lot, but the profit will be less, i.e. the first break-even point takes place. An attempt to increase the price leads to a decrease in sales and the profit made is only enough to cover costs and this second break-even point. between these two prices there is an optimum selling price, which provides maximum profit. Do any of these laws hold in Forex or other stock markets? Of course not. Here any amount of goods can be sold at any price, which contradicts the basic law of the market. Forex, as a child of the monopoly era, cannot but bear the imprint of its time. The seeming absolute liquidity of the goods, which you do not meet in the market conditions, is realized here. Therefore, we must first find out whether this is a market at all, and what laws of pricing should work here, and if there are no laws, then it is lawlessness, the market should be governed by the laws of supply and demand, which do not exist on the market. So I propose to invent a new forex with the signs of a real market, where it will be more interesting to trade. Let's try to formulate together the basic rules of the new market, as close to the real market as possible, the laws of formation of profit in which I have recently formulated depending on the purchase and sale price of goods, fixed and variable costs, and this pattern, true for the real market, will also operate within the new forex. I will try to make such a thread to thoroughly analyze everything and bring the future market closer to the real one. I propose to give my vision of the problem.


I like the way he burns. Non-standard thinking is interesting.

It's just something a lot of people do:

Yesterday I opened a real account for $1,000. Overnight I blew it all.


Forex is a scam.


Apparently, yosuf, frustrated with his indicator and its capabilities. He is looking for new ways. Well done.


Apparently, yosuf, frustrated with his indicator and its capabilities. He is looking for new ways. Well done.

I have not managed to automate the trading process yet, but I have achieved good results in manual mode, using the indicator forecasts.

..., have made good progress.

I am sincerely happy for you, and I wish you good luck, kindly.


Heck, I'm proud to be able to communicate with this man (Gluba! The Man!) on our forum(

yosuf 29.03.2011 07:09

Much will become clear from the above link, which specifically indicates by whom, when and for what purpose this genie was released from the bottle, from which the official authorities who created it disavow, but willingly use its services at the right time, but did not warn about its terrible properties as unpredictability due to uncontrollability, noting only that it is a kind of business with a high risk of loss. It is so cleverly contrived that the commodity you purchased, which is currency, can disappear in the blink of an eye, even though you intended to risk only a negative increment in the value of the currency if your trading strategy fails, as happens with any commodity purchased for commercial purposes, and forex swings the entire value of the commodity and successfully manages this fiscal policy. The paradox is that the commodity purchased for business purposes disappears entirely into an increment of that same currency. You can console yourself with the fact that your commodity hasn't actually disappeared, but it has helped the currency gain a new competitive value, but that doesn't make your wallet feel any better. In the new Forex there should be no room for the very possibility of disappearance of the currency, though the commercial risk should be kept within reasonable limits as in the normal market. Under adverse circumstances, i.e. decrease in the value of currency you purchased, you must have the opportunity to wait out the situation with the currency in your hands, even if slightly devalued, it will certainly recover in value and bring you profit, because every way the broker will try to repurchase it from you, exactly repurchase, and not lure, as now.


Dimston 31.03.2011 19:53
Lookhere ( in the gib ) - it should be there. (looking for an indicator).

It's not there. Again, it is there for MT5, and I need it for MT4 :(

Roman. 31.03.2011 20:05

Ibid for MT4

e2-e4 - Killed.

Dimston 31.03.2011 20:27

e2-e4 - Killed.

Didn't kill it as I couldn't find it :(


Buonaparte Yusufhoja, New Forex branch,

здесь решался принципиальный вопрос соответствия предложенной формулы прибыли традиционному способу ее определения и в этих случаях примененый прием доказательства является единственно верным и убедительным. Теперь когда без всяких сомнений доказано их соответствие можете считать прибыль по (8) с любой желаемой точностью и эта формула я думаю чуть важнее для общества чем блестяще решенная Перельманом задача Дирихле


Buonaparte Yusufhoja, New Forex branch,

Sorry, the Poincaré hypothesis is of course confused with the Dirichlet principle.