Once again, about the lokas.


There are ardent supporters of loci. There are their opponents. Their difference seems to be that the supporters supposedly know how to destroy the locks, and their opponents do not know how.
Perhaps it's true - who got used to that and uses it. In my opinion, the ability to destroy gaps is equivalent to the ability to trade profitably. If you cannot trade profitably, losing lots will not help. If there were a 100% successful, formalized, history-proven algorithm for closing gaps, it would be a grail. I believe there is no such algorithm. Can anyone claim that such an algorithm exists?

What do you call breaking up locs?

If the position is not overvalued, then you calculate the level from which the price should move/reverse, and at the same time place a locking order in case you are mistaken. The price cannot rise / fall all the time, that's why you will still find the turning point (if you don't reload the account). If you are terribly sure, you can average as well, when you withdraw a profitable order, then it will take you 1/2 of the distance to get to Breakeven.
But this is a tedious business, it is better to avoid it.

MetaDriver писал(а) >>
What do you call breaking down locs?

It's a common expression on this forum. I understand it as bringing the uncommitted total loss generated by a lock to a committed breakeven.

Fibo писал(а) >>

If the position is not overvalued, then you calculate the level from which the price should move/reverse, and at the same time place a locking order in case you are mistaken. The price cannot rise / fall all the time, that's why you will still find the turning point (if you don't reload the account). If you are terribly sure, you can average as well, when you withdraw a profitable order, then it will take you 1/2 of the distance to get to Breakeven.
But this is a tedious business, it is better to avoid it.

I know it is tedious. That's why I want to know if there is an algorithm, so I don't have to suffer.

khorosh >>:

Такое выражение бытует на этом форуме. Я понимаю под этим приведение незафиксированного суммарного убытка создаваемого локом к зафиксированному безубытку.

I still don't get it. Can you give me an example of a breakdown? What we have before. What we have after.

// Not that I am dumb, just ambiguity in the interpretation of the term is possible. I want to accurately fix the subject of the conversation.

khorosh писал(а) >>

I know it's tedious. That's why I'm wondering if there's an algorithm so I don't have to suffer.

if there was such an algorithm, no one would lose on forex....
MetaDriver писал(а) >>

I still don't get it. Can you give me an example of a breakdown? What we have before. What we have after.

// Not that I am dumb, just ambiguity in the interpretation of the term is possible. I want to precisely fix the subject of the conversation.

For example, we have several buy and sell positions with total lot = 0 and total non-fixed loss = $1000. After some actions that involve opening some additional positions and due to market movements, the total non-fixed loss becomes equal to zero. All positions are closed. The lock is eliminated.
MetaDriver писал(а) >>

I still don't get it. Can you give me an example of a breakdown? What we have before. What we have after.

// Not that I am dumb, just ambiguity in the interpretation of the term is possible. I want to precisely fix the subject of the conversation.

let's say you sold at 1.34, instead of a stop, you put a bystop at 1.35. If the stop triggered, you have a 100 pips loss and an unfixed "lock". The appeal of this feature is that there is a possibility to wait till the level, because no matter how many points pass, even 1000, even 2000, until you "open the lock" the loss will be 100 points.
The mechanism of opening the lock was described above.
khorosh >>:
К примеру имеем несколько позиций бай и селл с совокупным лотом = 0 и совокупным незафиксированным убытком =-1000$. После каких то действий, включающих в себя открытие каких то дополнительных позиций и благодаря движению рынка совокупный незафиксированный убыток становится равным нулю. Все позиции закрываются. Лок разрулили.

Such actions can only be profitable trading. Loki has nothing to do with this. All positions in your example can be closed immediately. Better yet, don't open them at all :)

I have studied in detail the problem of breakdowns in my time. I wrote several experts and read articles and guru recommendations. Theoretically, it is possible, but it is the same as simply earning the amount and then closing the lock with a loss. And the price of the lock is not in dollars, but in pips. Because the complexity depends on this value.