EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 234


Once again approaching my favourite level)))

bivus, by the way, my VolFix was showing a cluster of orders at 1.4555, now it's gone.

strangerr писал(а) >>
Well, the general picture is still up, not counting this jump. Forte, I don't understand why you don't calculate it all manually, say on a daily timeframe and not bother?

Play on maximum emissions with automatic rebuilding of parameters... it's a real thing now ... at the weekend I'll have a look at the indicator, which is almost finished, how waves behave and what options are possible... out of all possible 60% is almost a positive forecast in some cases, some fail... so I need a tool to check it all... shallow TFs and tickwise also allow to understand the price trend and its turning point even if it follows the forecast

strangerr писал(а) >>

Once again approaching my favourite level)))

bivus, by the way, I had a VolFix showing a cluster of orders at 1.4555, now it's gone.

Yes, interesting, need to explore the area....

xenon13 >> :

That's what it was - correct. And look, your limit on gore-predictions is about to be exhausted too.

And my predictions are still valid, I'm not a shaman to guess such jumps))))


I guess they won't let it rise quickly to 1.48

kharko >> :
1.46 seems to be coming up... >> 1.4538 to start

Now 1.458 ...

strangerr >> :

VolFix's inductor shows volume at 1.4555)))))))))))))

Throw me a link to the induke, if you don't mind...
bivus >> :

I reckon they won't get to 1.48 fast.

Next week, I think.

strangerr >> :

>> Next week, I think.

>> Not... we still have to go to 1.442-1.444

Fundamental analysis comes first! ) With money management in mind, of course...)))