EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2181

forte928 >>:

дядьки задают направление..Аналитики содяться на поезд, а остальные плетутся на дрезине
Analysts don't sit anywhere... They don't trade - they jabber. and at the behest of those on the train, they bait those on the train.
Someone flies in a helicopter and the director immediately teleports to the right place
NikT_58 писал(а) >>

>> there's no point in arguing about it.

Clearly they're buying euros.... >> they might go up!
Here we go.
Lord_Shadows писал(а) >>
Analysts don't sit anywhere... They don't trade - they jabber. and at the behest of those on the train, they bait those on the train.

traders who are analysts know where the train rides... those analysts who talk back and fool those who ride the train...

forte928 писал(а) >>

traders who are analysts know in advance where the guys will go...and those analysts who talk trash are tricking those who are on the train...

+10 ;$))
forte928 >>:

трейдеры которые являются аналитиками знают заранее куда поедут дядьки..а те те аналитики которые балаболят те и разводят тех кто на дрезине..

No Zhenya, I do not agree.

Surely, though, an analyst is an analyst. And a trader who knows where the uncles are going is a professional trader, an insider trader or a very lucky trader.

P.S. Good luck and happy trader!


I can add "a real trader is the one who takes his losses to breakeven, and a super trader is the one who turns losses into profits.

forte928 писал(а) >>

traders who are analysts know in advance where the guys will go...and those analysts who talk trash are tricking those who are on the train...

traders are scammed, and analysts are scammed (the whole countries are scammed, and the Americans scammed the whole world for money). Those analysts - just fell less and they have a better chance not to drown, but if the trader analysts have not mastered the methodology of dealing with "negative situation", he will still fall for the "BULL" . (all this fortune-telling is shaitan jokes).

If it goes there, it goes there, and if it doesn't go there, it goes there. (That's a prediction any trader will tell you).

A trader is ruined by greed and haste.