EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2133

Mathemat >>:

А кабель я, кажись, разгадал: на М30 намечается сужающийся треуг - со всеми вытекающими (верхняя линия, т.е. сопротивления, еще неясна и нарисована условно).

what's the horizon, Chef?



as by waving on a balcony 1.5 m.


FreeLance >>:

какой горизонт, Шеф?

Who the hell knows. A tapering triangle is considered in the Wave Principle as a sign of an imminent and abrupt resumption of movement. So the cable will continue to fall, and quickly, after the triangle ends. It will end either on Monday or Tuesday. But 1.5 doesn't look like that at all.

My forecast for the Eurobucks for the week:

First a retest of 1.2475 and then a drop to the next level of 1.2195

FreeLance >>:

как по махам на балконе 1,5 мо.

You're a little early for 1.5, we need to test 1.4360 first
Goje писал(а) >>
You are too early for 1.5, first you need to test 1.4360
Justify why do you think the EUR is going to go so high, nobody doubts that correction will happen, but the first question - when the second - I do not see where I am going above 1.3060 but you are going so high
Bocman >>:
Обоснуйте плиз почему вы решили что ева собирается так высоко идти вверх, то что коррекция будет никто не сомневается но 1й вопрс -когда 2й - до куда я на данный момент выше уровня 1 3060 ну ни как не вижу а вы собираетесь на столько высоко
Sorry to intrude, but Goje was writing about the cable :)
olivero писал(а) >>
Sorry to intrude, but Goje was writing about a cable :)

Sorry to interfere but I thought the topic was Euro-DOLLAR Trends Forecasts and Consequences, so I asked about those high levels which are not realistic for the foreseeable future, although of course they are lower than those of NEROBA
It was the cable I was writing about.
What do you think of the hep?