EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2123


There's nothing to salt there, Akela missed

joo >>:

Алексей, хорош имхами бросаться, всё равно никто предъявлять тебе не будет. :)

OK, no more imhs.

About the fifth in the fifth wrote a little early, it only started recently (about half an hour ago). That was two quarters, what an abomination...

IgorM >>:
против йены все солим и солим безбожно в особенности фунта :), а с евро осторожнее

Show me the warrant or don't be stupid
I give up. I don't know what the evra is drawing right now. Either it has already reversed 14 pips short of the 1.2326 target or I misidentified the completion of the second wave of correction. I guess I will just have to lock in and forget about what I made up the last few hours ago.

and who thinks about the euro franc?

because it's at historic lows.

and last time there was a massive 300 point jump up.


What do you think of the euro-dollar rising to 1.2655?

Mathemat >>:
Я сдаюсь. Я не знаю, что сейчас рисует евра. Либо она уже развернулась, не дойдя 14 пунктов до цели 1.2326, либо я неверно идентифицировал завершение второй волны коррекции. Наверно, придется просто фикситься и забыть о том, что напридумывал себе последние несколько часов назад.

It's all crap. These waves. :)

My living, sometimes wanting beer and sex, neural cells don't compare to the ones in the next terminal, despite the recent drop in the stock market, stupidly and indifferently cutting pips. I look at them and think: "I gave birth to you, I will kill you, no, maybe it's too early, maybe after the championship?

antoniofx >>:

а кто что думает о евро-франке?

ведь он на исторических низах.

и в прошлый раз был сильнейший скачек на 300 пунктов вверх

I set the bylimit at 1.4000
gip >>:

Покажи ордер или не туфти

I'm not going to report to anybody, and you probably should not be a trader=speculator, but rather an artist, you probably see perfectly well in quotation charts "head and shoulders", and even waves, think that this is not just a pretty drawing, but a "handicap", but not in the sense of fortune, but in the FOREX sense!

If someone has been selling against the Yen, well, excuse me, gold has started to move quite well - let's sell the whole Europe against the Yen and take it while it's going!

If you've tried to help - wait for your help!

Help anyone who needs it - I'm waiting for help too!

Mathemat , your reply to the topic about the Dow! Reread my posts about the news

And finally, in order not to be a "fairy tale teller" who makes up "forums" - if you do not understand how it was today, I will tell you what I see - today the whole Europe fell, but yen and gold were standing, to complete the whole picture with real prices you should "also fall" yen and raise gold - and there you have the real picture, with real quotes