EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2118


Will now go up if it breaks 1.2687, that is, the point has moved lower


has it gone downhill? kudos to you whoever you are)

on the pound going to 1.4720?
Synexs >>:

Да может быть и вариант о том, что одной свечкой уйдем на 1.23, но Америке дешевый бакс ненужен. Исходя из этого ставлю на рост...не сейчас так в течении месяца...

Show me the warrant or don't be stupid
gip >>:
Покажи ордер или не туфти

Yes, I see that people like to go against the trend and then tear their hair in different places - not enough adrenaline? But no: the school of "famous trader" from the parallel thread in action :).

Good luck.

VladislavVG писал(а) >>

Yes, I see that people like to go against the trend and then tear their hair in different places - not enough adrenaline? But no: the school of "famous trader" from the parallel thread in action :).

Good luck.

So he's got them all figured out that a small pullback is good to get up to 1.7...not wanting to go to 1.9 after 0.94

Comrade 131, can you please tell me where you look at the Sostratos recommendations?
forte928 >>:

Так он же их всех и надоумил что небольшой откат встать хорошо и пойти вверх к 1.7...к 1.9 не хочент после 0.94

Well not really, but as long as we're going down :), take anything that moves :0

ZS: Help is accepted at Z885250400296

Synexs писал(а) >>

Gentlemen, don't you think we have been pushing around 1.26 for too long? And so far the attempts to break it down have failed. Did anyone consider the possibility to jump up not by a hundred pips, but by several pips...for example 300-500 pips, or even 1.34?

Yes, there may be one candlestick to 1.23, but America does not need a cheap quid. Therefore, my bet is on the upside... Not now, but in the next month...

it can't be and the option described 50 pages earlier works and continues to work

1.19500 is the final target...

Товарищь 131, подскажите пожалуйста, где Вы смотрите рекомендации Состратос?

In the forex factory, under "Interactive Trading -> EURUSD". There's a trader under the username
Trading Cat often posts these recommendations. Here is the link to the posted picture