EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2102


205 will be tested and then nothing will prevent us from going to 261...probably from there we will go to a correction...who knows...

here's the taach markup, if you're interested
07_05_2010.rar  4075 kb
forte928 >>:

ну 205 оттестируем и тогда ничего немешает к 261 сходить вероятно от туда и сходим уже на коррекцию...кто знает..

I like your 1.2360 a lot.

SEVER11 >>:
вот разметка по методу таач, кому интересно смотрите

I looked it up, modest, but very tasteful. thank you. what kind of platform is it?

SEVER11 писал(а) >>
here's the taach markup, if you're interested see

Dear man! Why don't you want to communicate? And you delete threads from your private messages? Don't you have the guts to write back? You're acting like a woman...
AlexSTAL писал(а) >>

Dear man! Why don't you want to communicate? And you delete threads from your private messages? You can't write something back? You're acting like a pussy.
It's a great topic of conversation, what do I owe you or what do I owe you... Or maybe you have a problem. Deleted the topic means there is no desire to communicate over your vast wealth...offered. I have enough of my own. Goodbye
SEVER11 писал(а) >>
Great topic of conversation, do I owe you anything or do I owe you anything... or maybe you have a problem. Deleted the topic means there is no desire to communicate for your untold riches...offered. I have enough of my own. Goodbye

Learn to respect your co-workers, not tell them to fuck off. Otherwise everyone will send you there too...
AlexSTAL писал(а) >>

Learn to respect your co-workers instead of telling them to fuck off. Otherwise everyone will send you there too.
Dear, it seems that no one has sent you anywhere, you are aggravating the situation around you. You are upset that somebody did not share something with you, but you were given a tip to go ahead and study it. And enough of the sad stuff. Happy Holidays to everyone.
SEVER11 писал(а) >>
I think no one has sent you anywhere, you are aggravating the situation around you. You are offended that they do not share something with you, but you have been given a tip to go ahead and study it, and you should not look for the guilty around you. And enough of the sad stuff. Happy Holidays to everyone.

Everyone has his own vision of the world...
Either you have mistaken me for someone else (I mean these tips, etc.).
Note the increased volume of EURUSD over the last two days. The rebound should be strong, selling is risky.