EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2074


And the goals of the movement are NOT straightforward with corrections here

Tantrik >>:

Вообще наверное правильно писали, что сейчас здесь ребятишки из детсада! :-)).

Yeah :), and you probably thought that only prophets, clairvoyants and seers were here? =))))))
oleniknik >>:

если считать что здесь развернулись ...во что не очень хочется верить ... то сценарий возможен ...
с линиями построения это соответствует ... но пока не верится ... посмотрим еще ...я пока рассчитываю на спуск как минимум до желтой линии ... а дальше будем посмотреть ...

A calaberta with a final clarification could last until the 5th or 7th of May. The market is situational, I have no resistances and supports on the chart at all right now

up to 1.27

The price had a chance to go down, but it did not fall down, it means that somebody needs it. My opinion is just an opinion and I will listen to my opponents with attention.
RekkeR писал(а) >>

The calaberta with final clarification may last until 5-7 May. The market is situational, I do not have any resistances and supports till 1.27, there was a chance to go down, but the price fell down, it means that somebody needs it. >>My opinion is just an opinion and I will listen to my opponents attentively.

If you do not have them, look at mine (1.2947, 1.2470, 1.2329 will be serious resistances), take them into consideration and time will show.

Tantrik >>:

Пока по прогнозу.....:-))

Looks like we're going to 1.3300...

Thu 29.04

- Strong impact
- Medium impact
- Weak impact

Time Country Macroeconomic indicators Period Fact Forecast Previous Impact
04:00 Australia Leading Indicator Index February -0.3% n/a -0.2% m/m
10:00 UK Nationwide House Price Index April 1.0%
0.4% m/m 0.7% m/m
11:55 Germany Change in the number of unemployed March n/a -11.000 -31.000
12:00 Eurozone Monetary aggregate M3 March n/a -1.0% y/y -0.4% y/y
12:00 Eurozone Private lending March n/a -1.0% y/y -0.4% y/y
15:30 Eurozone Speech by President of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet n/a n/a n/a n/a
16:30 USA Jobless claims for the week April 18-24 n/a 442.000 456.000
16:30 Canada Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney speaks n/a n/a n/a n/a
18:30 USA Natural gas stocks for the week of April 18-24 n/a n/a 73 bcf

Tantrik >>:

цыфры незнаю.... может дойдём... судя по задору!

I can see from my numbers a reversal to the north in the eurobucks, may well be starting now
ZS: information not for trading action!
IgorM писал(а) >>

and I can see from my numbers a north reversal in the eurobucks, may well be about to start now
ZS: information not for trading action!

For the purpose of going where and on which TF ??????????


I didn't want to go up there ... but it worked as long as the MA is blue ... I'll get past the blue dotted line ... and then I'll be right down ...
Yes ... This is my personal view and does not pretend to be true ...
Gentlemen, I suggest we take our minds off technology and think logically.
Once again, no one needs it.
Hence 1.35.... is already too expensive.
To the south and only to the south.
And don't listen to those who call you to hike to 1.38....
This is complete nonsense.