EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1792


Of course, the eurik looks weak compared to other assets.
That's for sure.

what is the news on the americans today?
Alex_Xv >>:
какие сегодня новости по американцам?

interesting news already behind us - unemployment is the same as predicted...


Decided to get a bit of a handle on the euro. Kind of looks up....

exi >>:

Решил немного разобраться с еврой. Вроде как наверх смотрится....

Thanks for the detailed picture, I've been a bit slow on the uptake today.))

strangerr писал(а) >>

>>Thanks for the detailed picture, I'm afraid I've given up on it today.)

The black letters (blue lines) are the primary option. Red is the secondary option.
It would seem logical, after the big fifth wave ( [5] ) to make a zigzag. But I have doubts about this fifth, built another red variant, which locally also has a place.
exi писал(а) >>

Decided to get a bit of a handle on the euro. Kinda looks up....

this is a more serious analysis, i wish we had more of these here. well done

Tonight at 7:30 p.m. Moscow on cash management bills

Let's pack our bags for the north!!!
Just to get some souvenirs down south for starters...

How the eu is sewn to this level of 1.35.
Doesn't want to let it go !!!
I would like to see a normal healthy trend the other day !!!
It's the third month already, how it blows the brains out to the fullest !!!
It's okay, it won't be long now, I'll wait for my time :)

Galina >>:

Как пришита евра к этому уровню 1,35.
Никак не хочет его отпускать !!!
Хотелось бы уже нормального здорового трэнда на днях !!!
Третий месяц уже пошол, как она мозг выносит по полной !!!
Ну ничего, не долго еще осталось, я дождусь своего часа :)

It's OK.))
