EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1789

kamik писал(а) >>
I told you I was new to the currency market.

When I started, I spent a lot of time watching how minutiations behave.
It's good for visual perception :)
I'm serious.

kamik >>:
Всё обвал кончился

ta nah, it's just started... I'm a papadstalker :))))

what kind of decline? 58 pips in one day?? or maybe i'm looking at the wrong currency (EURCHF? right)

and on the daily chart, all is well... the German mark was falling, then the europeans went to a meeting in amstodam in galland, got high and invented the euro... and now euro-reality has broken down and it turns out that the Chinese are good :))

america is a big schvitzie and it's just as fuzzy :) and it's not gonna be "amero" instead of "quid" but "Ivra" instead of "eur" %-\
Galina >>:

Да я то же когда начинала много времени наблюдала как себя минутки видут.
Зрительное восприятие хорошо развивает :)
Я серьезно.

I look at all sorts of things. But mostly M1, I'm a pips trader.
I'm waiting for the euro quid... Either head and shoulders inverted or a triangle. plans to go south but in the meantime go west...)
On the minutes :0. I've been watching the ticker:))
IvGeniy >>:
На минутках :0. Я за тиковым наблюдал:))

I had a buddy who used to have fun on a teak, and I was jealous of him.
One time, a couple of dollars in the pocket.
once or twice another two
I've been raking in the change)))
ProfBiss >>:
А я вот евро бакс жду... или голова и плечи перевёрнутая или треугольник. планы на юг а пока идём на запад..)

biz abid!!! :))) maybe you can tell me how to make terrabyte quarts? because everyone here is on 50 megabit unlim.

right-click menu "Save as Picture" and you need to save it as "Active Graph" - if you don't understand, it is better to ask F1
Yeah, I'm green compared to you guys =)
the second hour is coming to an end
my betting in an hour would have been a win, I put in two hours.
another 30 minutes and the price came back at 1.3499 and that's a loss.
Anyway, I noticed a very interesting pattern
Galina >>:

Я по ДОЛЛАР ФРАНК то не просто так спросила :))))
он когда наверх начнет разворачиватся (локально конечно..),
Так еврик то и наверх стрельнет :))))
Да не слабо хочу заметить.
Я сейчас за этой парой в оба смотрю.

My love, you're tying the wagon to the mare again.))