EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1558

gip >>:

Конечно не так, зачем так рисковать? Пойдет вверх, тогда и купить можно будет. А ты по-моему фанфаронствуешь со своим желанием взять 1500 пунктов. Это конечно круто и всё-такое, потом можно будет похвастаться, но лучше уж спокойненько, поменьше да понадежней.

I was in a hurry with the bai, no doubt, I just didn't have time on Friday to have a proper look, but as a last resort I will go first on the sells, which I am sure will not be far away from the upside.
I'll say it again.

Cancelled only if we break through the blue channel and go above 1.3620
Good morning, everyone.

Yeah, we didn't have a movie last night.

We're seeing a correction on the hour markers.) Woke up half an hour ago to the terminal kicking out ... fxsm says it's the server load ... but I'm used to it when the kicking out means action ) Fuck no better alarm clock ...
I think that was the whole pullback down.
strangerr >>:
По моему это был весь откат вниз.

Seconded by ...

odiseif >>:
Здраствуйте всем .....Галина зарегился я на вашем Умисе в конкурсе...правда опоздал на 10 дней .....зацените ...за неделю перепрыгнул на 46 место ...ыыыы

Yes, there were a lot of people who wanted to organize a competition, but for some reason they are not even in the top ten, we are still in second place

Today the fibo shows usdchf going down and euros only going up











Fibo писал(а) >>

and throw me a link where you downloaded it from. Is there an instruction there for transferring data from MT4?

Found the link on elwave

I can see a pattern of a further downward trend.