EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1556

Of course, if the eurik rises above 1.3618,
It would probably do well to fall off now, then it could continue its slow ascent with a light heart....
Otherwise, I don't believe in its rise.
Galina писал(а) >>
Actually, of course, if the eurik rises above 1.3618,
It would probably be good for it to fall off now, then it could easily continue its slow ascent....
Otherwise, I don't believe in its rise.

That's what the lady thinks.
Oh hello, where did you disappear to? What are your predictions for tomorrow, if possible in pictures?
forte928 is like a true magician, you never know how many hares are in his hat.
Lord_Shadows писал(а) >>
forte928 like a true magician, you never know how many bunnies are in his hat.


I look at the Euro today and I think Trisha is like Trisha. I don't see any growth at all. Asians are silent. I think the usual correction is going on.
I expect to reach 3583 today and from there to take me down, I do not have a sell yet.

Hi all, there was no movie.)))
strangerr писал(а) >>
Hello all, there was no movie.)))

>> there was no movie.)
Wasn't yesterday, might be today. Haven't pushed back from the bottom yet.
gip >>:
Вчера не было, может сегодня будет. Ещё не оттолкнулись от дна.

Yeah, we're just stuck.