EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1306


No way, he's not going anywhere!

Not down, not up.

It will be pounding the pond until tomorrow.

Tomorrow there'll probably be some movement in the afternoon, but I don't think so.

I'm off to bed.

Bye, everybody.

See you guys tomorrow.



It's a turbulent time for predictions, the euro is up in the buy as I post and the gold is flying down.

RekkeR >>:

Время для прогнозов неспокойное.

So what? Can't you open and show your position? Up or down, right now, 10, 20, 200 pips - it makes no difference, as long as you can see what it is all about.


On the pound, the 3rd wave of downward momentum clearly worked out. My target was 1.5037. Fool, put a trailing stop. Knocked out the stop at +23 points. As the 2nd one was a zigzag, with a pullback 61.8% of the 1st one, the 4th one must be a triangle, with a pullback, say, 38.2% of the 3rd one, i.e. it may not go higher than 1.5086. Targets of the 5th wave are on the picture. We are waiting for the end of the 4th wave. Let's check the forecast. I hope I did not miss anything.

Alexan >>:

По фунту четко отработала 3-я волна импульса вниз. Цель у меня была 1,5037. Дурак, поставил трейл. Выбило по стопу в +23пункта. Так как 2-я была зигзагом с откатом 61,8% от 1-й, то 4-я наверное будет треугольником, с откатом скажем 38,2% от 3-й, т.е. выше 1,5086 наверное не пойдет. Цели 5-й волны - на рисунке. Ждем окончания 4-й. Проверим прогнозик. Надеюсь я ничего не упустил.

60 more points up anyhow

joo писал(а) >>

There's still 60 pips to go up.

Under no circumstances should 5112 be broken through until we finish the fifth. Otherwise the momentum will fail. We will see in the morning :)

forte928 >>:
Вот сейчас и пойдем к точке 1.3560 от туда коррекция на азиатской сесии на 45п

I see two options for this week - either an up-trend pullback as in the picture OR a trendline breakout followed by a drop to 34 33 as if a longoff with a further change in trend


oopsie!)) and I didn't open the buy, I'm honest))

syan >>:

опаньки!)) а я не открыл бай, я честныыый))


What kind of snot is that? I don't have one. :)

Still, I've had both beacons close in the negative, though.

joo >>:


А что это у Вас за сопля? У меня такой нету. :)

Хотя, всё равно у меня оба бая в минус закрылись.

I've had it since yesterday -8.))