EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1140

Closed the buy +36pp, situation is kind of dead.
I looked at the trend indicators, they were going in one direction but I`ve dared to bet and dollar went in another direction, only balances showed purchase and now the trend is going in another direction again.
strangerr писал(а) >>
Closed the buy +36pp, situation is kinda dead.

The situation is not dead but as clear as ever the start of the move down to 1.3360 look at the picture more closely on M30 and the dragon has worked off the first target and turned around...


I'm so pipsqueaky that I'm ashamed in front of my brokerage company ...)) 3-4 pips scraped up $100 in 0.4 lots))) I think maybe fasklo is right, why long term play ...

syan >>:

я щас так напипсовал что даже стыдно как-то перед ДЦ...)) по 3-4 пункта наскребал 100$ лотами по 0.4)) вот думаю можнт fasklo прав, зачем долгосрочная игра...

Can I have an EA for pips?

forte928 >>:
фибо тайм зона

Another question begs to be asked: what do I hook it to? to see something...
according to my data the euro will fall to somewhere around 1.34....
syan писал(а) >>

I'm so pipsqueaky that I'm ashamed in front of my brokerage company ...)) 3-4 pips scraped 100$ in 0.4 lots))) I think maybe fasklo is right, why do I need long term play ...


yurchenko писал(а) >>

Can I have an EA for pips?

It will not work. The DC is cheating, it is even difficult to open-close in the right place by hand.

Midas09 писал(а) >>
according to my readings the euro will fall somewhere to 1.34....

this is the first target - a pullback and then another pullback and then close to 1.3300 and maybe further to 1.3270 and there will be a more global reversal.