EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1145


Point 1.3527, stated by American analyst Stephen Cox as a stop-turn point, has not yet been breached....

There remains the possibility of a fall...

)))))))))) yeah
vic2008 писал(а) >>

Point 1.3527, stated by American analyst Stephen Cox as a stop-turn point, has not yet been breached....

There remains the possibility of a fall...

>> give me the link to this info please)


This is the picture Elvawe gave out. Briefly:

primary targets up 1.3535 with 57% probability

down 1.3424 with 79% probability

vic2008 писал(а) >>

Point 1.3527, stated by American analyst Stephen Cox as a stop-turn point, has not yet been broken through...

There remains the possibility of a fall...

1.3527 has already been broken through twice and support has also been broken through today.

strangerr писал(а) >>

This is the picture Elvawe gave out. Briefly:

primary targets up 1.3535 with 57% probability

down 1.3424 with 79% probability

I want one for myself too))))), if it's not too bad give it to me esteemed man!))

LEXUSjt >>:

уважаемый, дай сылку на эту инфу пож.)

There is no link to this information from the terminal.

waitra >>:

точку 1.3527 уже два раза пробили, и поддержку так же пробили сегодня

So far, it's only touches of the level... :)

But maybe it will...

strangerr >>:

Вот такую картину выдал Elvawe. Коротко:

первостепенные цели вверх 1.3535 вероятность 57%

вниз 1.3424 вероятность 79%

noticed you're reading the MF book, I can drop the third one off for anyone interested...
LEXUSjt >>:

Я тоже себе такую хочу))))),если не жалко дайте уважаемый человек!))

Give you what? Download Elwave, install it and no problem.)