EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1611

forte928 >>:

Он наверное сравнивал руки с ногами - поэтому и правил необнаружил и закономерностей тоже...
forte I am a newbie, of course YOU are the best, but I like TA strangerra better.
And I remembered the formula.

A balloon has no volume...
strangerr >>:


You will write when you enter the buy.

strangerr писал(а) >>

Well, so explain to me why the rules of capitalism have such repeatable patterns?

He must have been comparing arms and legs - so no rules and no patterns...
Alex_Xv >>:

Вы напишите когда в бай заходить будете.

I already have. 2PR in a cube.
Alex_Xv >>:

Вы напишите когда в бай заходить будете.

or better yet, don't be greedy, give the man an invest;))))

strangerr >>:

Бабки он считал, видишь как обложился ими)))

Stranger, I just wanted to understand your TA, sorry if I offended, if there is no desire to show, no problem.

oleniknik писал(а) >>
Pasta for lunch again...
For the price, the dollar has already shown a buying high. It hasn't gone lower in a day in the last 2 months ( just flicked through) ...
The euro is reversing into buying ... America is about to clear... The minimum where the dollar went down for 15 minutes was 0.0092 about now 0.0088...

By the way, the euro wasn't really selling... Just bought a lot of dollars.... Waiting for America....

The Americans don't seem to be very keen on weighting their currency....
rustein >>:

Стрэннджер, я просто хотел понять Ваш ТА, извините если обидел, если нет желания показать, не проблема.

I don't like my ta this week at all)))
forte928 писал(а) >>

I understand SHARA is a sweet word - but you haven't invested in me without helping me sort it out...((

So I'm sort of going to PR on the idea of the author of the venture... >> that's 10% of what I'm asking for. )))) Not for nothing :)))))
I propose to appoint our Galochka as the anti-publicist... She's been back-promoting Neely for 5 minutes enough to bury him. I'll PR Forte, she'll anti-prize Elliot, Neely, Wozny, and anyone else you can get your hands on. We divide the dough according to the tried-and-true scheme.