[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 469

chief2000 >>:

Идея простая - каждый раз когда выполняется условие

время для High[i+2] сохраняется в переменную Time_Extreme_Sell.

Затем, в каждом(!) подобном случае, на расстоянии до 10 свечек после свечки со временем Time_Extreme_Sell необходимо нарисовать вертикальные линии.

Но я вижу что эти линии рисуются только в самом конце, для Time[0] и только если от Time[0] до Time_Extreme_Sell меньше 10 свечек.

Check the conditions not a beginner ))) but lazy =)) step by step!

conditions are not fulfilled!

costy_ >>:

Проверяй условия не новичек же ))) но ленивый =)) поэтапно проверяй!

условия не выполняются!

Сидит чукча, рыбачит. Подплывает американская подводная лодка выходит капитан и спрашивает:
- Heloo! Куда поплыл русский подлодка?
Чукча указал куда-то вбок.
- Nort-West! - Скомандовал капитан и подлодка уплыла.
Тут же выныривает русская подлодка из неё выходит капитан:
- Куда американская подлодка поплыла?
- Норт вест.
- Не умничай, пальцем покажи!


costy_ писал(а) >>

I guess it's not working on the M1.

Everything is fine here. In the window itself, scrolling back in time on any timeframe goes according to this parameter. I do not have it in the tester. I checked it visually and programmatically, for example, when testing any Expert Advisor with visualization on any timeframe - there is no scrolling back (actually there is, but by a small number of bars back).

The question remains -

The tester does not see the history? What do I do?

My tester does not see the downloaded history, the chart itself shows everything for many years ago (all options are filled). If I look, for example, 1000 bars back in the tester (when I start testing an Expert Advisor), it is empty. Terminal is Alpari Demo.

I know a perverted way to do it: put the testing date much earlier and start testing from the required date in the Expert Advisor. What am I doing wrong?

sak120 писал(а) >>

Everything is fine here. In the window itself, scrolling back in time on any timeframe goes according to this parameter. I do not have it in the tester. I checked it visually and programmatically, for example, when testing any Expert Advisor with visualization on any timeframe - there is no scrolling back (actually there is, but by a small number of bars back).

The question remains -

The tester does not see the history? What do I do?

My tester does not see the downloaded history, the chart itself shows everything for many years ago (all options are filled). If I look, for example, 1000 bars back in the tester (when I start testing an Expert Advisor), it is empty. Terminal is Alpari Demo.

I know a perverted way to do it: put the testing date much earlier and start testing from the required date in the Expert Advisor. What am I doing wrong?

The limited history of 1000 bars is available in the tester

Vinin писал(а) >>

A limited history of 1000 bars is available in the tester

>>Thank you very much.

Gentlemen programmers!!! Please explain to me, if I'm clueless, why the body of else operator is executed, if if (condition) is true? I`ve already racked my brains...
if (PRICEASK==OrderOpenPrice())                   // Если цена PRICEASK равна цене открытия выбранного ордера...
   {KRYTASK=false;}                               // ...значит, ордер уже выставлен. Критерий для открытия - ЛОЖЬ.
   {KRYTASK=true;}                                // ...значит, ордер еще не выставлен. Критерий для открытия - ИСТИНА.
About the floating point. I decided to check these prices. I added the Print() function to check them. Then I added this code into the function:
Print (NormalizeDouble(PRICEASK,Digits))
And then I added the following code as well:
string value=DoubleToStr(PRICEASK,Digits);string value1=DoubleToStr(OrderOpenPrice(),Digits);
Print ( value," ",  value1);
. So I twisted and twisted in different ways to understand and see where the error is. In any case, the prices are still equal to each other. But despite this, {KRYTASK=true} still works.
Such a mess... Thanks in advance!
Gentlemen, here's a question:

In the tester, there's a thing like this:
nMAValue = iMA (Symbol (), PERIOD_H1, 100, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_MEDIAN, 0); 
Print ("MA value: ", DoubleToStr (nMAValue, 4));

The log shows "0.0000".

But in the terminal, in real time, it gives correct values.

How can this be dealt with?
iliaalyoshin писал(а) >>
Gentlemen programmers!!! Please explain to me, if I'm clueless, why body of else operator is executed, if if (condition) is true? I've already racked my brains... About the floating point. I decided to check these prices. I added the Print() function to check them. Then I added this code to the function:
And then I also added this code: So, I twisted and twisted in different ways to understand and see where the error was. In any case, the prices are still equal to each other. But in spite of this, all the same {KRYTASK=true} is executed.
Such a mess... Thanks in advance!

The prices are not equal to each other. You may use different tricks to compare actual numbers (for equality). But you can't do it directly.

Vinin >>:

Цены не равны друг другу. Для сравнения действительных числе (на равенство) можно использовать разные приемы. Но напрямую нельзя.

Different techniques? Such as?
iliaalyoshin писал(а) >>

Different tricks? Such as?
