a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 249

2 solandr
I simply wanted to convey the simple idea in my post that this site can serve neither as proof nor as a refutation of any theories, as it does not contain sufficient information for that and has goals that lie on a completely different plane from the issues discussed here.

Hi Andrew ! It is quite obvious to all blind people.
Unfortunately, some of the sighted do not see it or do not understand it. But that's all right. But they know how to be rude by the way, without even knowing what they are doing. And then apologize without understanding whether they need it or not. Just in case.
SarkeeV, thought I'd clarify my opinion on EWT and coins, you'll probably get the wrong idea as I doubt you've read it all. During my practice, I have not become a professional EWT-nik, this must be taken into account, as well as the fact that this is my own opinion and not a call to argue.

So, a bit of the most lucid philosophy. A hammer is an excellent tool, excellent, but only for hammering nails, while, say, unscrewing a nut with it would be difficult, for that a spanner would be desirable. This simple experience leads to a simple idea that the tool should be used for its intended purpose.

So, the EWT is not correctly applied to prices, looking for similar "pictures" in the BOOK->needed!!! "drawings", but to the behaviour of the "crowd", in other words to the players. It is necessary to look at the numbers, and to feel the crowd (which they do not teach in books), that I have not managed to achieve either by drinking, or meditation, let alone by reading books on EWT :o) If psychology of a crowd is not taken into account, it is just like a coin flip, but with more complicated conditions of "found out"/ "made a mistake" experiment.

A vivid confirmation of this is the winwave32 program (as one example). Even with minimal settings, the area of proposed waveforms is counted in thousands and all you have to do is either psychoanalyze the crowd with, say, Freud's method or .... flip a coin. :о)

And as for links to real trades, I personally have had enough of Alieh's stats. I've always said that his results inspire me. :о)))
Своим постом я просто хотел донести ту простую мысль, что данный сайт не может служить ни в качестве доказательства, ни в качестве опровержения каких-либо теорий, поскольку он не содержит для этого достаточной информации и преследует цели, лежащие совершенно в другой плоскости от обсуждаемых здесь проблем.

Hello, Andrei ! It's quite obvious to everyone who is blind.
Unfortunately, some of the sighted don't see it or don't understand it. But that's all right. But they know how to be rude by the way, without understanding what they are doing. And then apologize without understanding whether you need it or not. Just in case.

Yurixx, hello! I said from the first contact that I respect, truly respect, people on this thread. And my goal was not to make a statement. I just wanted to ask Alexei the questions that really interest me. And frankly speaking, I don't like people who are too self-confident and trying to prove it to everyone by acting as referees or judges. Didn't mean to upset anyone here or be rude to anyone. And the real account is not mine. It's just an interesting trade: who and how I don't know.

And then to apologise, not knowing if it's necessary or not. Just in case.

Are you always so sure that the words you say will definitely hurt someone or not? Are you so sure of yourself?
So you haven't unintentionally upset anyone in this life?

OK, this is all turning into a useless debate, which is not really what you want. Competing in wit is interesting, but again, a futile exercise.
Good luck and all the best!
And don't hold it against me :)
SarkeeV большинство ответов на ваши вопросы вы найдёте
в книге Глена Нили "Мастерство анализа волн Эллиота".
Книжка очень "замороченная", особено Правила, но если вы в ней разберётесь, то будет вам ЩЯСТЬЕ :)))
Если уж там не найдёте ответ, обращайтесь, я помогу :)))
Желаю успехов и попутных трендов.

Alexei, just a simple yes or no? I'll certainly try to figure it out. Actually, I've never really traded in real life. I have one decent system that I've been walking towards for 1.5 years (discarding a few unsuccessful systems). But it's not related to EWA (was), and now, I find something in common: a more confident entry...
Alexei, would hope to see answers to questions that don't reveal your concept.
Still YES or NO :), if NO, where???

SarkeeV which currency pair are you talking about ? What period are you looking at? This is important.

I gave the link to the book because I think it has a lot of interesting and useful
to develop. Believe me, you cannot get hung up on Elliot waves alone.

Honestly, I do not use the Rules from the book, because not all of them work in practice :(
I develop my own trading strategy :)

The authors, who describe their strategies and theories in various
books, earn money not from Forex, but from selling books. :))) It's obvious :)
No author will lay out his strategy if it actually
makes any profit :)
SarkeeV I thought I'd clarify my opinion on EWT and coins, you'll probably get the wrong idea, as I doubt you've read it all. In the course of my practice, I have not become a professional EWT man, which is something to bear in mind, but also that this is my own opinion and not a call to argue.

So, a bit of the most lucid philosophy. A hammer is an excellent tool, excellent, but only for hammering nails, while, say, unscrewing a nut with it would be difficult, for that a spanner would be desirable. This simple experience leads to a simple idea that the tool should be used for its intended purpose.

So, the EWT is not correctly applied to prices, looking for similar "pictures" in the BOOK->needed!!! "drawings", but to the behaviour of the "crowd", in other words to the players. It is necessary to look at the numbers, and to feel the crowd (which they do not teach in books), that I have not managed to achieve either by drinking, or meditation, let alone by reading books on EWT :o) If the psychology of a crowd is not taken into account, it is just like a coin flip, only with more complicated conditions of "found out"/"made a mistake" experiment.

And as for references to actual trades, I personally have had enough of Alieh's stats. I've always said that his results inspire me. :o)))

You ' re right wave theory is not a panacea :)))
There may be more profitable strategies out there, you can't
get hung up on it.
But in order to build a strategy we need theory, and for the basis,
i.e. as a foundation i chose Elliot waves.

If the strategy does not bring at least
any profit during at least one month of trading, I discard it and continue searching.
Sooner or later you will get the desired result :)))
Who seeks, always finds :0)
The main criterion of a strategy is profitability :))) the rest is not that important.

The winwave32 program (as one example) is a prime example of this. Even with minimal settings the proposed range of variants of waves is counted in thousands and all that is left is either to conduct psychoanalysis of the crowd by the method of, say, Freud or.... flip a coin. :о)

Why use incomprehensible programmes that give out thousands of forecast variants?
Why don't you make your own, inimitable one that will produce the only correct version :))).
to Alex Niroba

<br / translate="no">grasn Why use incomprehensible programs that give out thousands of predictions. Make your own, unique, which will produce the only correct version :)))

I'm not using it, I've just took some nice rules from it (I think I wrote about "my wave theory" earlier :o).

So, we all create our own ones here, depending on time and inspiration. :о)
Как вы понимаете, для всех построений и вычислений я использовал МТ4.
Все уместилось в один весьма лаконичный скрипт, строк примерно на 150.
При необходимости могу прислать его вам для сравнения.

Thank you, Yura... me first, with mine :=)

Does this topic somehow overlap with Pastukhov's thesis (way of building a Zigzag) - http://forexsystems.ru/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=1036?
Как вы понимаете, для всех построений и вычислений я использовал МТ4.
Все уместилось в один весьма лаконичный скрипт, строк примерно на 150.
При необходимости могу прислать его вам для сравнения.

Спасибо, Юра... я, сначала, со своим :=)

Does this topic somehow overlap with Pastukhov's thesis (way of building a Zigzag) - http://forexsystems.ru/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=1036?

Rosh, I don't quite understand the question. We are just discussing Pastukhov's thesis. Or more precisely, the practical implementation of strategies that follow from it. However, the way the zigzag is constructed has very indirect relevance to this thesis. Kagi construction defines the zigzag unambiguously and contains only one parameter. Renko construction relies on the same parameter, but allows variation of the starting point.

The link above uses the standard meta-quote zigzag, with three parameters. But the findings shared by Phantom$ are essentially similar to Pastukhov's ideas. The only difference is that Phantom$ looks at it as a trader and Pastukhov looks at it as a mathematician. Phantom$ wonders "is it not a pattern?" and Pastukhov proves theorems.
Alex Niroba 12.02.07 22:17
North Wind with all due respect, about the Wave Theory, you're wrong...
Is it possible with any theory to increase the deposit not by 250%
Let's take, for example, the officially registered best result
h ttps://championship.mql5.com/2012/ru/news
but by 250,000%, within the same period of time?
Let's see or check if Wave Theory can do that :)))
Yep, however, even I'm curious myself... :)))

It's about the fact that all past attempts to shift the conversation to VTE have proven
have proven to be futile. For some reason, people want to flub off-topic. :)