FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1625


tol64, the value of 1.5562 at strike 1.5200 is what?

The column, i.e., what is the figure showing?

Is that clearer?)

Daniil Stolnikov:
Is it? Link

Is this the archive you were talking about? Deleted by dogs

When can you re-download it? Or does anyone have an archive?

Is that clearer?)

No. Hi, Low in terms of monthly options is clear. But tol64 has the figure in terms of strikes.
Roman Busarov:
no such thing =)

1.5870 is clearly 50% on the weekly chart.



1.5870 is clearly 50% on the weekly chart.


just a coincidence. and the upper limit of the weekly channel is at this level=)
Roman Busarov:
upper limit of the weekly channel
Does this thing have anything to do with weekly options?
I've got a picture of the pound, globally down
image.jpg  78 kb

1.5870 is clearly 50% on the weekly chart.


5870 is now up behind the clouds. If we are talking about the weekly range, its high now at 1.5774, was in the morning, now 10-15 pips higher, just so you know)

A column, i.e., what kind of figure does it show?