FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1627

Yeah, to natter on about wave theory)))) Yeah, it's not the same without him, no one to talk to, some stray troll or something, it's boring.)
You're so full of platypus bullshit with no one to talk to, and now you want some entertainment)).
Daniil Stolnikov:
If it's all platypus and no one to talk to, it's all about having fun.)
Tuma's missing somewhere, he must have a big trunk.)
Touma is missing somewhere, he must have a big coffer.)
Wren's missing - resentful of the nickname change ))

Good night everyone. The pound will break the resistance and go down?
Tuma's gone missing, he's got a big coffer.)

Yeah, I'm pouring it in.
As promised.


it feels like it's just going upwards now.
It doesn't want to go up as much as it wants to go down.

As for me, I have started to make frequent predictions again (before the past ones come true), which is not good.
Frequent tossing from side to side....

Thanks !
it feels like it's just going upwards now.
It's going after my order first)