FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1904

Only, HE, would be able to figure out what you have depicted and in which direction...
stranger, that's just fucking awesome!!! pips to pips! i love it. It's just crazy. And what price to hold to? I take it 0.81? or is it too early to talk about such a goal?
Dmitry Chepik:
Only, HE, could understand what you have depicted and in which direction...

Trying to simplify to make it easier to understand

Fixed 200 bucks on the pound, I think the rebound a little bit there re-run can be considered, and maybe without a rollback still to go $ 2000 off). For sat in a small drawdown

Trying to simplify to make it easier to understand

You know, not everyone here is an expert, it's not clear to us common people... you're doing Gunn's angles... but I don't think many people have heard of it other than the name.

why don't you write a few words?

Dmitry Chepik:
It's real, it sells for paper, who cares?!
The world is full of illusions...

your truth.

Just so long as that truth doesn't come down our throats.

it would be interesting to look them in the eye.

By the way, it's not a Euro minimum not a haggle from the ceilings
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
Fixed 200 bucks on the pound, I think the rebound a little bit there re-run can be considered, and maybe without a rollback still to go $ 2000 off). For sat in a small slump
How much left? =)

You see, not everyone here is an expert, it's not clear to us ordinary people... you're doing Gunn's angles... but i don't think many people have heard of it except the name...

maybe you could say a few words, huh?

google google will tell you everything. you can also look up gartley butterflies