How to get to the front page of the Market - page 15


ok product price 79 ue, 1 sale in 2 weeks - mt5 - immediately top after sale

second product price 99 ue, sales almost every day, mt4 - 4 page top.

third product - 1 sale in 2 months, price 30 cu - 3rd page top

fourth product 19 cu, 2 times sale per month - 2nd page of top.


category Experts, it's all the same. Believe me.


ok product price 79 ue, 1 sale in 2 weeks - mt5 - immediately top after sale

second product price 99 ue, sales almost every day, mt4 - 4 page top.

third product - 1 sale in 2 months, price 30 cu - 3rd page top

fourth product 19 cu, 2 times sale per month - 2nd page of top.

Do not compare 4 and 5, they may have different turnovers.

The product sold out 2 times in a month, but the one that sold out at least 3 times is still out there.

The product for $ 19 which sold 2 times a month, went straight to page 2 (total mt4), and here's the product which is 79 ue and sold at least 3 times is still there.

but here's the funny thing. I had a 99uе product on the 5th page of the mt4. i got rid of it now :-)

Anyway. No one will ever find out anyway, but it's still funny.

The reviews have nothing to do with it. because once again, the top one has no reviews, and the one in the cunt has reviews.

Exactly the number of demos downloaded affects it. Or just downloads. Heavy weighting at the point where the rating is calculated.

ok product price 79 ue, 1 sale in 2 weeks - mt5 - immediately top after sale

second product price 99 ue, sales almost every day, mt4 - 4 page top.

third product - 1 sale in 2 months, price 30 cu - 3rd page top

fourth product 19 cu, 2 times a month sale - 2nd page of top.

These are the posts are called ADVERTISING -- it's strange that the moderators of such a skip.

Even I couldn't resist and went to your product thread to see what's on sale every day for 99 CUe -- and which isn't in any of the daily "Sales Hit" here

But I couldn't see any of your products -- it says 404 error -- must have been banned as a seller.

That's why your products, as you put it "disappeared somewhere" from the nth page of the top.

Conclusion: advertise more of your products in spite of the resource rules and your products will never appear on any page of the Market


The product sold out 2 times in a month, but the one that sold out at least 3 times is still out there.

The product for $19 which sold 2 times in a month, went straight to page 2 (total mt4), and here's the product which is 79 ue and sold at least 3 times is still there.

but here's the funny thing. I had a 99uе product on the 5th page of the mt4. i got rid of it now :-)

Anyway. No one will ever find out, but it's still funny.

The reviews have nothing to do with it. because again, the one at the top has no reviews, and the one in the trough has reviews.

I click on the link in your profile, look at the page in VK and instagram - get to the advertising of your site, this is not fair to say the least. And also yes, when you go to the sales page of your products, writes 404) Karma ?

Even I couldn't resist going to your product thread to see what's on sale every day for 99 ue.

:) I went too...


But I couldn't see any of your products - I got a 404 error - I must have been banned as a vendor.

At the time I went, everything was fine.

If banned - then on the forum as well. I think it's still some kind of error.


If banned, so would the forum. I think there's been some kind of mistake.

as far as I understand -- a ban on the marketplace and a ban on the forum are different bans.

there are different bans on the resource -- for example, blocking financial transactions and so on -- maybe there is a blocking of access to the Market products

p.s. This isn't the first time the topicstarter's products have been banned -- only in this thread

Apparently the topicstarter is abusing attention to his products.

By the way, he also raised this thread from oblivion. As a result - 404 error.


p.s. This isn't the first time the topicstarter's products have been blocked -- only in this thread

Yeah, looks like you're right. Never encountered it before... Now I'll know - Thanks!