Experiments with MetaTrader 5 at Discovery - page 9


Renat, everything looks great. But what do the quotes on the real accounts look like? In fact, the situation with the purity of quotes is not yet clear. On the demo there are non-existent studs, glued charts in non-working condition, not to mention the fact that all the instruments are piled up in a pile. - I understand these are all questions for the broker, but I don't want to have problems with execution on left-hand prices and dealing with these errors with the broker.

Another question is. The fact that MT5 is paid. Now the broker charges 500 RUR per month, but as you understand it slows down the introduction of the terminal on a mass scale.

The possibility of "left" prices is controlled by you. Sorry, I'm a little tired to explain to everyone why MT5 on the exchange - is not a kitchen (no offense, but I spent a lot of time and effort on this) :) The mechanism is very simple. In the "History" tab of MT5 you can add a column - ID. It reflects the numbers of transactions carried out on the exchange. The exchange publishes a daily register of past transactions (they are required to do so by the market regulator). In this register you can always find your transaction. That is, the broker in the exchange market is not playing against the client. It makes no sense. To risk a license (read: a business that brings good profits) and reputation (read: the possibility of all clients leaving) for the sake of an unobvious and short-term income, I think no one wants to. It is not rational.

Now about the fee. At Otkritie, whom Renat kindly cited as an example in his post, one version of the terminal is FREE. If you want to connect more terminals (2 or more) for one brokerage contract, then yes, you will have to pay 177 p. per month for each subsequent one.


Calm my friend, only calm)

I don't know what this has to do with. But neither I nor my expert want to see these glitches on real accounts. That's all.

It's not a glitch. This is a demo account. Demo server is provided by exchange. The quotes there are different from the real ones and that's kind of normal. Because the real market-date (combat) costs money all over the world. And the RF to get it, you just have to become a broker's client and open an account.
Prices are formed on an insider basis.

If you want to play with prices, it's very interesting and informative to trade on the INDX (webmoney), the bare stack and the chart for an hour and a day.)

The more you know, the more you react, the more you react.

They don't have much insight into the issue, they just have to compute and play cards.

ZS: liquidity there is about zero, you can short only intraday)


The only thing you need is an insight into who has what poses where, the rest is of little consequence.

Yeah, you've probably never been hit with a good stiletto.
Yeah, you've probably never been taken out with a good stiletto.
give me an example and i'll tell you if i've ever had one in my life.)
It's not a glitch. This is a demo account. The demo server is provided by the exchange. The quotes there are different from the real ones and that's kind of normal. Because the real market-date (combat) costs money all over the world. In order to get it, you have to become a broker's client and open an account.
Thank you, all questions have been cleared up. And in particular the situation with subscription fees has become clearer. All in all, it works out great. The only thing I would still like to see in the future, normal gluing + make a normal distribution of tools by group in the window "Symbols". For example, group "Si" - all ruble-dollar futures, etc.

I am ashamed of myself that until recently, having been in the industry for many years, I did not have a proper understanding of pricing and self-effacing myself when it came to thinking in this direction.

The literacy you have described is familiar, roughly speaking, to any child. And only able to answer to:

On your link above, still managed to abstract away the "knowledge" and "stereotypes" imposed over the years on the subject and on technocratic thinking without bias get any result to substantiate it in the end:

I haven't seen any reasoning that this is or isn't the case. I am willing to debate, but only within the framework of the "Algotrader's Club".

Gods do not burn pots. I don't have the task of deriving a formula for everything.

As for the premise - I can't claim that you are wrong, but I believe that the price is driven only by people's fear. If there is no desired price to buy and there is a price that is only worse, the first buyer who gives up their nerve will agree with the sellers imposed price and buy more expensive. The question is not if you can buy at the price you want, but whether your counterparty will be the first to give in and offer you the price you want. In this way, the price moves because people change their own valuation under pressure from the counterparty.

The OI and real volumes are already in MT5. Highlight the instrument in MarketWatch and go to the "Details" tab. There you will find the OI. It is called "Active Commitments" in MT5. The actual transaction volumes are shown on the charts. The supply and demand volumes are in the same tab - "Details".

By OI, of course, we mean its dynamics. For example the OI candlestick chart.

Thank you, all questions have been clarified. And in particular the subscription fee has clarified the situation. Then everything really does work out great. The only thing I would still like to see in the future is normal gluing + a normal distribution of instruments by groups in the "Symbols" window. For example, group "Si" - all ruble-dollar futures, etc.
About the gluing. We have already added gluing, but a bug was found. Hopefully this week, deadline for next week we will put gluing on the battle servers.

By OI, of course, we mean its dynamics. For example, the OI candlestick chart.

А. That is, in fact, we need a functionality to build a chart using the parameters available in MarketWatch. We need to ask the developers how difficult/possible it is to implement.