Questions from a "dummy" - page 93


Which works faster:

- Finding an extremum via ArrayMaxmum(),

- Finding an extremum via a loop operator ?

First.ArrayMaximum() makes several times fewer iterations, at least 2 times.

Which works faster:

- Finding an extremum via ArrayMaxmum(),

- Finding an extremum through the loop operator?

As far as a loop is a complete sequential search?

If so, then fudge it.

ArrayMaxmum() uses internal copying of an array (because QuickSort leads to unstable sorting) followed by quick sorting (QuickSort) and quick search (QuickSearch). Plus the function is aggressively optimized at compile time, which cannot be achieved in byte code.

you can repeat this using the above algorithms, it will be a little slower than ArrayMaxmum() but still it will overtake the brute force by orders of magnitude, and the longer the array, the higher the gain.

SZY repeat algorithm ArrayMaxmum() only makes sense to check or if you need other properties from the algorithm, for example, search not the first but n-th maximum.

ZZZI In general, all this is already written in the standard class library (array classes) just take it and use it.


Yes the loop is a sequential search of a certain number of bars for the highest High.

The best is ArrayMaxmum() ?

Yes, if you want to maximize not the entire array, but only a part of it, copy the part into a temporary array and apply the function to it.

I'm trying to start with the easiest one, but it turns out it's not so easy...)

Got the library, but where do I put it? There's a lot of folders in the inlude. Which one is mine? )))

It depends on what it's for.

Unexpected question...

There's an example of how to use the library.

I copied the example, but I can't compile it. The compiler probably doesn't see the library.

I'm sorry. I thought you meant the Standard Library.

And that's a question for the author.



I had the optimisation and visualisation options disappear in the strategy teser not long after installation.
How do I get them back and has anyone encountered this problem?

Can you tell me how to measure the sides of a triangle and compare them afterwards?



I had the optimisation and visualisation options disappear in the strategy teser not long after installation.
How do I get them back and has anyone encountered this problem?
Stretch the tester subwindow upwards.

Unexpected question...

There is also an example of using the library.

I have copied the example, but it cannot be compiled. The compiler probably doesn't see the library.

Copy K_Orders.mqh file to terminal_data_folder\MQL5\Include,

Test script K_Orders_Demo.mq5 (added) to terminal_data_directory\MQL5\Scripts.


Can you tell me how to measure the sides of a triangle and compare them afterwards?

in pixels