Whether locking or counter positions are possible - page 6


Artyom, I have long been embarrassed to ask: why on earth would you do that?

It improves the statistics on the monitoring - it hides the drawdowns.

Artyom, I have long been embarrassed to ask: why would you do that?

// Please do not point the finger at your neighbour who trades profitably with such locks. This is not a proof. I have neighbours who trade profitably without them.

Volodya, the reason is different for everyone. You can, for example, use positive locks to make sure that equity is almost always above balance. And investors like that. In this case both curves always creep upwards.

That's the kind of scarecrow you're talking about. Somebody does this without positive locking.


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Suggestions for Changing the Interface

IvanIvanov, 2013.01.29 09:02

You may lock in MT5mm with some brokers, they have prefixes like Euro.m and Euro.m1.


Volodya, the overbalance is different for everyone. You can, for example, use positive locks to make sure that equity is almost always above balance. And investors like that. And both curves always creep upwards.

So that's what a scare is like. Someone achieves this without positive locking.

Yeah. Faking the equity is the most you can do with locks.

By the way - at the cost of diminishing returns (part of the capital is frozen in the margin collateral, instead of being used for trading).


Yes, that's right. stealth is the most that locks are good for.

By the way - at the cost of diminishing returns (part of the capital is frozen in the margin collateral instead of being used for trading).

It's not a scam. It's a TS. There are limiters instead of a take. We try to select the largest possible trading range within the positive locus. After exiting the range, the next one is organized. And so on. Ok, I will not. Edom das saine. I don't trade that way myself, but ...
... I don't trade like that myself, but...
But what? You're itchy? ))
But what? Hands itchy? ))
Yeah. I'm already loading a tipster into the editor. I'll keep digging.
Try to answer the question: If locks are not beneficial to the trader (your highlighted phrase), why should locks be banned and netting introduced?
Even I would answer that, but I don't get it.
Try to answer the question: If locks are not beneficial to the trader (your highlighted phrase), then why should locking be banned and netting introduced?
Because purely technically there is less overhead to maintain 1 position than multiple orders.
Greater overheads bring in more profit. So why refuse to increase profitability? If purely technical aspects have an impact, it is not the main reason to ban locks.

Perhaps it is the regulators who are behind the prohibition of locks.