Errors, bugs, questions - page 1036

It's supposed to be initialised once. It is external.
If you can't change the value - then it's a constant. And if you can - then why the change of value is not reflected in another module?
If you cannot change the value, then it is a constant. And if you can - then why the change of value is not reflected in another module?

You have it extern everywhere. Remove the modifier in one of the modules. It has to be actually allocated somewhere.

You have it extern everywhere. Remove the modifier in one of the modules. It must be really distributed somewhere.
I've already tried many different options, including this - the result does not change. That static - does not change - is normal, but with extern I do not understand the situation
I've already tried a lot of different options, including this one - the result does not change
Besides, this trick is not for libraries, only for inluders.
All the libraries in mql are dynamic. Have you ever tried to declare variables in DLL, and then use them in the main program? Try it, so you will feel less offended with mql.

Can you tell me when to expect the next build of the terminal?

There should be a fix for a problem I encountered.

If you can't change the value, then it's a constant. And if you can, why isn't the change in value reflected in another module?
Extern is an external variable, one for the whole scope, not like in 4. Input does not change now. If you want to change - assign a value to a new variable and change it.

Can you tell me when to expect the next build of the terminal?

There should be a fix for a problem I've encountered.

I think you were promised in September).

All libraries in mql are dynamic, have you tried declaring variables in a DLL and then using them in the main program?

Do you mean that if .dll is unloaded, then all data is lost? I tried - but I have not encountered a loss of data - probably somehow the system understands that it does not need to unload at some point
Extern is an external variable, one for the whole scope, not like in 4. Input does not change now. If you want to change it, assign a value to a new variable and change it.

Above example - what's wrong? (the question is about extern in MQL5)


The example above - what's wrong? (the question is specifically about extern)

Variable is initialised 2 times, at least remove this error first and use new variable for calculation.