Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 147

Andrey Dik:

You don't know the MQL language, you don't know the terminal, how can you judge anything at all?

PS. It's a pity, but there are so many users on this forum who are parasitizing on MT ecosystem. But it also shows the huge popularity and sophistication of the platform, which attracts the smartest people to research in MQL, and, of course, attracts parasites, how could it be without them...

The "pioneers" were "show me, prove it, let me try it".

"Komsomol members" were - "forbid to publish..."

Now there are "environmentalists" - the purity of the "ecosystem" is sacred...

Stupidity is boundless indeed.


If we take two vectors - price and volume, then price will have its own levels, and volume will have its own levels. These are two different measurements that form a plane. From this plane, the bars of the histogram will grow up and indicate the number of repetitions for each combination of price and volume.

I think it is more relevant for the stock exchange. Or for currency futures.

Vladimir Perervenko:

"Pioneers" were - "show me, prove it, let me try it".

The "Komsomol members" were "forbid to publish..."

Now there are "environmentalists" as well - the purity of the "ecosystem" is sacred...

Indeed - stupidity is boundless.

I'm not stupid, I have a moral principle and decent human decency.

I understand that these words are unfamiliar to you. You can easily slander, slander, but you cannot confirm your words with deeds (and that is what you need when making accusations - evidence and deeds).

And yes, you are a parasite who wrote 4 articles on the MQL site already, not a single line about MQL...


What's the holivar for? A man contributes in his own way. A review of methods is also a good thing.

Next time it would probably be nice to see a way to integrate MQL-advisor with R code.

Alexey Burnakov:

What's the holivar for? A man contributes in his own way. Review of methods is also good.

Nothing bad, that's for sure, if MQL is not sacrificed.
Andrey Dik:
Nothing bad, that's for sure, if MQL is not sacrificed.
I don't see the reason for it. If I do 99% of my work in R regularly, it's just handy. But if I know how to train and save random forest in MQL, I'll give myself a bonus.
Andrey Dik:

And yes, you're a parasite who has already written four articles on the MQL site which don't contain a single line about MQL...

So anyone who hasn't posted an mql article is a parasite? If someone new to the game has registered and read the forum, then he has learned something new without giving anything in return - and that's it, he is a parasite?

You can not be so angry, your words hurt most of the visitors of this site.


In your opinion, then anyone who has not posted an article with mql, he immediately a parasite? Like a new person registered, read the forum, learned something new without giving anything in return - and that's it, the label of a parasite?

You should not be so spiteful, your words hurt most of the visitors of this site.

You jumped to conclusions about my words. In my feedback I told about people like Azulenko and Perevenko, who don't know a thing about MQL, but at the same time they criticize the language they don't know, while praising some other language. The matter is not that they wrote articles on MQL, but that they are a parasite on the MQL community, and they don't hesitate to praise a language they don't even know.
I knew someone with similar behavior whose last name ends in *ko. Who ran away from mobilization in his country, came here along with hundreds of thousands of other refugees, and instead of respecting the country that sheltered them, they continue to slander and slander it in every possible way. These are the parasites who benefit for themselves from their host, to whom they do only harm.
Men and women, stop discussing personalities and move on to discussing machine learning. Personalities, if you're so eager, can and probably should only be discussed in private.