What is going on with MQL5 Payment System? - page 3

Keith Watford:

Not true.

Some repetitive posts have been deleted.

Remember that we are just forum users and can do nothing, only Metaquotes have that power.

Any information that is posted here to inform can get lost in a sea of repetitive complaints.

Personally, I agree with the complainers. It should be a simple matter for Metaquotes to keep us informed instead of leaving us with no clue what is happening.


such a large company has such poor system of information for its customers.

Has anyone been able to withdraw successfully with the cardpay option ? Been trying to use since yesterday with no luck . Trying to withdraw to my Master Card which is in my local currency . Returns ‘invalid card type ‘ every time . Think may be cardpay only processes to USD cards ? Already contacted service desk but from experience I know it’s gonna take over a week for them to reply . 

It's been truly a slow process....but patience is all there is to it i think. Not much we can do but wait and get information from moderators which been working good.

It'll soon be working again - i'm optimistic :)

This is very bad situation,

For me as Iranian developer, the only way to withdraw is Webmoney and  by this new method all Iranian developer will get in trouble,

We are under USA unfair sanctions and we couldn't have any international payment system except Webmoney and we were really happy from Russian support,

All moderator, please attention: this is not to choose payment method for us this is " to be or not to be" for all Iranian developer

This is our career, to get our family expense and I don't know what should I do now!
Hamed Nikseresht:
This is very bad situation,

For me as Iranian developer, the only way to withdraw is Webmoney and  by this new method all Iranian developer will get in trouble,

We are under USA unfair sanctions and we couldn't have any international payment system except Webmoney and we were really happy from Russian support,

All moderator, please attention: this is not to choose payment method for us this is " to be or not to be" for all Iranian developer

This is our career, to get our family expense and I don't know what should I do now!

Can understand how you feel . Almost same situation as mine but what can we do when we don't have control over the Mql5 system , the company does so they have the power. All we can do is petition them to bring back the processes that has always worked for us and hope they listen

Hamed Nikseresht:
This is very bad situation,

For me as Iranian developer, the only way to withdraw is Webmoney and  by this new method all Iranian developer will get in trouble,

We are under USA unfair sanctions and we couldn't have any international payment system except Webmoney and we were really happy from Russian support,

All moderator, please attention: this is not to choose payment method for us this is " to be or not to be" for all Iranian developer

This is our career, to get our family expense and I don't know what should I do now!

Moderators can't do anything about the situation! It's in the hands of Metaquotes....this is just a forum....contact Metaquotes the company itself if you having troubles

Nesimeye Oswald:

Imagine my surprise on Friday last weekend when i woke up to withdraw my funds from Mql5 and there were no payment options available for withdrawal !. First they took down PayPal last month and now no webmoney or epayment withdrawals.  And i have since sent service desk a message on Friday but no reply.  Woke up today and voila only CardPay withdrawal option is available. Never heard of CardPay or used it before and they expect me to process my withdrawals through CardPay.? Why is Mql5 doing trail and error with peoples funds ? I mean you collect 20% from my product and don't have the courtesy to let me make my withdrawals in peace ? . Webmoney is what i use for deposit and withdrawals, please put it back on. Worst part is when you contact service desk on finance related issues they take weeks to reply , you are getting 20% of my products so do your damn job well!

I fully agree with you.I use e payments myself.Why is this happening???

And we ask from you,the moderators to bring the issue to the people of the mql4 ,as you see that there are many complaints and no service desk replies.

So, What we can do that metaquotes company hear our voice??
This is not only unfair, but also unprofessional behavior in 21th century!
The company should not be arrogant for their power and monopoly.
If they continuou their unfriendly behavior  to the users they loose their nice developers.
Hamed Nikseresht:
So, What we can do that metaquotes company hear our voice??
This is not only unfair, but also unprofessional behavior in 21th century!
The company should not be arrogant for their power and monopoly.
If they continuou their unfriendly behavior  to the users they loose their nice developers.
What can I say ?. We are at their mercy now , all we can do is plead.
"We connected back Paypal for deposits, withdrawals will be available on Monday or Tuesday."
im waiting paypal