There certainly is a Holy Grail! - page 24


That's a real one holy grail :)

Forex is a negative sum game.

You just need toi create the correct environment that escapes this and comes out ever so slightly positive and then keep building and adding the small profits back into the game to build larger position sizing.

Marco vd Heijden:
That's a real one holy grail :)

for how long the backtest?

Samih Abdelli:

for how long the backtest?

Depends on starting starting capital and lotsize - dynamic lotsize stepping.

So it's variable.

Marco vd Heijden:

That's a real one holy grail :)

Forex is a negative sum game.

You just need toi create the correct environment that escapes this and comes out ever so slightly positive and then keep building and adding the small profits back into the game to build larger position sizing.

that's really true, 

Marco vd Heijden:

Depends on starting starting capital and lotsize - dynamic lotsize stepping.

So it's variable.

my max lot size is 100 lot, I planning to go beyond that,

I'm only entering with 2% of my free margin

At some point it will just stop there is a variable MODE_MAXLOT.
Marco vd Heijden:
At some point it will just stop there is a variable MODE_MAXLOT.

if 2% of free margin = 250 lots

I put 2 trades of 100 lots

and 1 of 50 lots


M6 EuroDollar Holy Grail for 05-06-2018 


 74 EUROPIPS profit so far today = 36 % Profit for today at 50 leverage.  In ONE day!!!!!

This obviously is a conspiracy. 

This is humanly impossible. ET hasn´t gone home yet! That movie is a fake!!

THis has to be market manipulation. Lock this guy up for life!!!!!

Please alert the FBI!!

This guy is obviously manipulating the market. No doubt about it. Circumstantial evidence will put him away for life!!!!!! 

5 Trades in ONE day, 36% profit. Impossible!!

This is no doubt market manipulation. This guy is a criminal. Lock him up for life!!!!!!!!

Ah our cherry picker is back.
Marco vd Heijden:
Ah our cherry picker is back.

I bought a new computer. Hewlett-Packard, this time, instead of Toshiba. This 4 Billion company in my country charged me €95 to fix my computer from blocking. I have a guarantee. After 3 months of trying to fix it, it still blocked. So, I bought a new computer. Now I can, finally, get my ducks in a row. 

Now I should take this 4 Billion company to court to fix my old computer. A waste of time.

Soon, I will have cherries every single day! 

Apparently cherries are very healthy. I am a health fanatic. I plan to live to 140, for now. (Wash your strawberries very well. They are full of pesticides!!). I avoid strawberries!

It is not cherry season now over here. 

But, I will very soon make it permanently cherry season all year long for me in the EuroDollar market!

My best assertion: "I will simply, luxuriously ......... drift into being profitable every single day in the EuroDollar market."


I developed the indicators required for this feat by shear luck! There is no-one here in the kitchen over the last 3 years to tell my what I am trying is completely stupid.

So, I tried it. And it worked!!

By shear luck!!