Experiments ... - page 41


Dearest MLADEN

 Thanks for new generic type average,as per my experiment this generic ver is more close to ema comparing to others (simple,smooth,weighted) and when applied all two (ema + generic) averages at same chart,these easily filter out each other as shown in the picture though ema is a bit faster than generic.


Yes, it comes a sort of a natural that way

Since lwma is the fastest among the 4 basic averages and smma is the slowest, the generic is somewhere in between those


Hi, I have problems attaching VHF adaptive T3 ATR bands on the chart. Could you check it please.




What problem do you have?

Since all is working OK for me (tested with the ex4 file attached at that post, and all works as it is supposed to work)


Different way of macd normalization


Rsioma averages with the latest set of averages

Hi Mladen , Could you please zip file Rsioma averages 1_4 , Thanks
Done :)

VHF adaptive T3 with a ATR bands (upper and lower band can be set separately)

Upgraded version with filters added


Some small upgrades to averages ribbon


Some small upgrades to averages ribbon


Dear @mladen
I would be very happy if you could share the graphic's background color. :)

I am afraid I do not understand

Do you mean how my chart is set up?

What is your;

Properties (right click on chart) -> Colors -> Background -> ? (color?)


What is your;

Properties (right click on chart) -> Colors -> Background -> ? (color?)

Here is the template (I am using daily data as a part of my regular template)
