Programmers Contest : Who can find more bugs in less time. Are you interested to participate ? - page 4

I do agree we need to create a contest here especially after ATC was disbanded maybe for now we should collect views on which contest would be suitable then moderators could use inside powers to get metaquotes to introduce it. Contests especially those with prizes encourage more participation and make a site more lively but at the end of the day its the prize that attracts participation otherwise it will backfire big time you dont want a three man contest and also what timing method would you use to indiscriminately determine the quickest man? Angevoyageur I hope you get what i mean.
I do agree we need to create a contest here especially after ATC was disbanded maybe for new we should collect views on which contest would be suitable then moderators could use inside powers to get metaquotes to introduce it. Contests especially those with prizes encourage more participation and make a site more lively but at the end of the day its the prize that attracts participation otherwise it will backfire big time you dont want a three man contest and also what timing method would you use to indiscriminately determine the quickest man? Angevoyageur I hope you get what i mean.

Yes I understand what you mean. But the contest we are talking about here is unofficial. Some moderators arrive to this idea, and we are trying to realize it. Maybe it can grow in the future, and who knows lead to some prices, but it's not our first goal. Our goal is to learn mql5 programming and organize some funny event within our programming/trading community.
The time method is simple, wait for the announcement.

If you have some ideas to find a prize, or some sponsors, you are welcome.


I do agree with you about the contest spirit and find a fair way, note that you can reach that using a win/win solution, since for me, to be fair or not depends on the quality of the bug presented by the author, not depends on the best reflex or a fixed start time.

For instance, if you give free time to start and an obvious solution bug, I could say this is unfair, since the fastest to see the topic will win.

But if the bug is really complex (and I hope this is the case we will have here), maybe will last for days, and this, in my opinion, is fair and good for everybody learn more about MQL5 (so a win/win solution).

The issue is that the first to post a correct solution is the winner,  this is unfair to those who,  due to timezone,  are asleep when the problem is posted.  First past the post is unfair when we have a global membership, it excludes some parts of the globe,  or at least disadvantages them . . .  nobody wants that. 
The issue is that the first to post a correct solution is the winner,  this is unfair to those who,  due to timezone,  are asleep when the problem is posted.  First past the post is unfair when we have a global membership, it excludes some parts of the globe,  or at least disadvantages them . . .  nobody wants that. 
The only solution I can see is to post the buggy code by pm and not publicly. What do you think ?
angevoyageur: put the pressure, bugs who need days to be found

Not my intention ;-D
The only solution I can see is to post the buggy code by pm and not publicly. What do you think ?
I don't think that is a solution, the problem is making the winner the one that provides a solution first.  Determine how long the solution should take,  double that time and give everyone,  allowing for various timezones that amount of time.  Then if there is one correct solution after that time you have a winner,  otherwise you have several winners.  All IMO.  I have no axe to grind but I do have professional experience over many years of being involved with competitions.
The only solution I can see is to post the buggy code by pm and not publicly. What do you think ?

I think publicy but solutions can only send in a timeperiod from that moment (one week ??)

if you have more then one good solution in that period then they all winner    (more winners,  more fun)

After  that period  (a week ??)  you can start a new "puzzle"     


Maybe now is the case of a new poll, with all the options regarding the contest purpose discussed here.

For example:

In you opinion, what are relevant procedures for the programmers contest (multiple choice):

- Send the buggy code by private messages
- Send the buggy code public as a topic
- Published at fixed time (for instance Monday 8:00PM GMT)
- Published at any time
- Use just complex solutions
- Judge the quality of the solution
- Just one winner
- etc.

After that we make the first round with the most voted.

After the first round we create a new poll to adjust the procedures.


Maybe now is the case of a new poll, with all the options regarding the contest purpose discussed here.

For example:

In you opinion, what are relevant procedures for the programmers contest (multiple choice):

With respect,  there is no point asking people that understand little of how fair competitions should be run about how to run a competition fairly.  

I know I'm labouring this point but it is the most important thing for any competition,  fairness.

If entrants do not feel they have been give an equal opportunity,  even if they have,  they will not enter a second time . . .  the competition needs to be fair and equitable to all and to be seen as being fair to all.
I agree with raptor. Angevoyageur this inbox style contest can never work trust me maybe we can ask metaquotes to introduce flash games to forum that will be better but for contest it would require much more to make it fair and workable otherwise it might end up as an advertising platform or the like with the few higher rated users carrying the day.