Programmers Contest : Who can find more bugs in less time. Are you interested to participate ? - page 5

With respect,  there is no point asking people that understand little of how fair competitions should be run about how to run a competition fairly.  

I know I'm labouring this point but it is the most important thing for any competition,  fairness.

If entrants do not feel they have been give an equal opportunity,  even if they have,  they will not enter a second time . . .  the competition needs to be fair and equitable to all and to be seen as being fair to all.
I see your point and agree with you, thanks.
I see your point and agree with you, thanks.
Yer such contest would be placebo.
Yer such contest would be placebo.
Yes, and we need a good medicine to solve this contest dead-lock ;-)

We have 23 users interested but only 3 registered as participant to the first contest. So I suppose the date/time is poorly chosen or the rules (no price) aren't good enough.

Maybe it's only the poll who interests people


We have 23 users interested but only 3 registered as participant to the first contest. So I suppose the date/time is poorly chosen or the rules (no price) aren't good enough.

Maybe it's only the poll who interests people

I cannot make it on Monday at 15h00 GMT. I think it is best way for you to meet individual programmer over the Skype and start the time when you give them the file. Start from there. Everyone have vary time due to their appointment and time zone. When they finish it and they can drop the file at the dropbox or somehow so you can see their time stamp. OR download the file and upload the completed file - there will be time stamp info on downloaded and uploaded from the web site. This is just my opinion.


Good idea, Roman5.

I would have more time starting from 19 GMT...


I cannot make it on Monday at 15h00 GMT. I think it is best way for you to meet individual programmer over the Skype and start the time when you give them the file. Start from there. Everyone have vary time due to their appointment and time zone. When they finish it and they can drop the file at the dropbox or somehow so you can see their time stamp. OR download the file and upload the completed file - there will be time stamp info on downloaded and uploaded from the web site. This is just my opinion.

I agree, I think we have to test this idea for the next contest.
angevoyageur: We have 23 users interested but only 3 registered as participant to the first contest. So I suppose the date/time is poorly chosen or the rules (no price) aren't good enough. Maybe it's only the poll who interests people

I do-not believe that writing a so-called "fair rule" would solve the participation problems with these contests. I think ( and I cannot believe the texts are coming out of my fingers ) tonny is correct. Should you offer 1000 credits on such contests then volla allot of people would participate. Heck, I've seen brokers offer contests for $100 ( non-withdraw contest prize ) accounts which gets hundreds of participants. And their rules usually isn't better nor fair to everyone, in terms of start time .. etc.

Most people just want someone here to answer their questions so that they can move-on to other things important to them. Giving members homework which could take over an hour of their time is a no-no. This include reading an entire thread ... or debugging someone else's program. I used to think a group collaboration on programming projects was possible on these forums; but, now I realize that something like that would never happen. 2_friends maybe but not any decent size group.


I do-not believe that writing a so-called "fair rule" would solve the participation problems with these contests. I think ( and I cannot believe the texts are coming out of my fingers ) tonny is correct. Should you offer 1000 credits on such contests then volla allot of people would participate. Heck, I've seen brokers offer contests for $100 ( non-withdraw contest prize ) accounts which gets hundreds of participants. And their rules usually isn't better nor fair to everyone, in terms of start time .. etc.

Most people just want someone here to answer their questions so that they can move-on to other things important to them. Giving members homework which could take over an hour of their time is a no-no. This include reading an entire thread ... or debugging someone else's program. I used to think a group collaboration on programming projects was possible on these forums; but, now I realize that something like that would never happen. 2_friends maybe but not any decent size group.

Maybe you are right, we will see. It's a private initiative, and we have no money to offer.  Anyway the goal isn't to attract hundreds people. It's mainly to learn, which obviously does not interest many people these days.

Most people just want someone here to answer their questions so that they can move-on to other things important to them. Giving members homework which could take over an hour of their time is a no-no. 

A win-win and/or yes-yes future solution would be something that uses real "real time" bugs from users, filtered by moderators to be part of a contest topic.

In this way, we could have several contests, like this one (EA bugs), EA doubts, terminal doubts, forum doubts, etc.

Maybe this could also bring great hidden developers here, that are doing great work to Jobs/Market/Signals services to help solve this contests.

This done, in a formal way, would help users, moderators, traders, services developers, etc., and soon will point out the most active and precise guys in each contest.