Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 117



It becomes the same situation as with metatrader 5 : you can count on fingers of one hand wher can you find code written for new metatrader 4. You can not find a single peace of code adapted to new metatrader 4 of mq site. None

Guys, It becomes the same situation as with metatrader 5 : you can count on fingers of one hand wher can you find code written for new metatrader 4. You can not find a single peace of code adapted to new metatrader 4 of mq site. None

It will take some time (due to uncertainty what to do)

But you are right : it is strikingly similar to what was going on with metatrader 5


It is because the reasons are the same : instead of making business decisions on a sound ground of previous work done, they themsleves have told - "metatrader 4 is no good" and they told it not once, but twice. First with metatrader 5 and now with this sorry offspring (they are changing "everything" which means that nothing was OK). Who in the name of god will believe to someone that tells that his own work was not good

And all that because they think that everybody is a moron that does not know a difference between a bug and a coding error. See their answers to the people that do not know what to do now - from "you should not compile if you are not a coder" (worst case of scamming I have ever seen) to "use the old ex4 files (do not even try to change something)". Ridiculous


vultures must be circling


The newest present from metatrader : sending events (ticks) to offline charts does not work any more. Do not compile the code you have using build 610,. It is f...d up since it does not return windows names correctly



One day they will make a perfect metatrader :):)

And then I will be Soros


The solution is going to be simple : from now on a lot of code is going to be closed. And we are going to wait that metaquotes codes something for as and posts a source of it. Glorious times are ahead of us with tremendous code waiting for us (contributed by metaquotes code wizards) to use it and be happy till the end of our lives


...does it mean "nmc" indicators will be changed?

The solution is going to be simple : from now on a lot of code is going to be closed. And we are going to wait that metaquotes codes something for as and posts a source of it. Glorious times are ahead of us with tremendous code waiting for us (contributed by metaquotes code wizards) to use it and be happy till the end of our lives
...does it mean "nmc" indicators will be changed?

It means that they have changed the things that allowed us to have offline charts and now we do not have them (again). Trying to find the solution, but when I find it, it will not be published as acode. Thanks to the metaquotes


I never did understand the need for offline charts in Metatrader...can a trading program has regular charts for "renko", "range bars" etc.?

It means that they have changed the things that allowed us to have offline charts and now we do not have them (again). Trying to find the solution, but when I find it, it will not be published as acode. Thanks to the metaquotes