Is Forex a good option for the students? - page 2


I think if you have enough money and enough time to trade in then Forex is the best option to invest your money. Forex is the business where you can earn lot of money if you have good knowledge about this industry.


Yes it is! But for the students, let us just remind them that studying in school is more imporant than trading. Or if the student really wants to pursue to trade then let us just tell them to balance their time.

Yes it is! But for the students, let us just remind them that studying in school is more imporant than trading. Or if the student really wants to pursue to trade then let us just tell them to balance their time.

Yes, i agree with you sis. Studying at school is more important than trading. It's too risky for them. As we know, we must focus when we are trading, if we are not focus, we can lose our money.

I think if you have enough money and enough time to trade in then Forex is the best option to invest your money. Forex is the business where you can earn lot of money if you have good knowledge about this industry.

That's all depends on specific students. The whole difference between other traders and students is that they have a lack of time (so they can trade in long time frames). But also students have very flexible minds so they can learn faster.


Yes, it is good for student who are really in need of money so they can use it in their school finance. But i can only advice them not to focus in trading, they should also give time in their studies.

Peter Brandley:
well i think forex is a good business program. but in the initial stage for forex we need to invest good money. and i think its impossible for the students to invest in forex. as students have greater power to understand new things and have a good analytical knowledge due to their learning phase well i guess if they are given this opportunity they will surely succeed so what should students do if they want to work in forex?

Of course, yes. They can have extra money without having or spending the money their parents are giving them.

kaito kid:
I think there is no harm to try trading students, they can learn the trade from the beginning, they do not have to use a real account when they are still learning, when they had enough to understand about trading strategies and find a match then they can start trading using a micro account or attempt free no deposit bonus usually offered broker. They can also follow the trading contests to hone their trading skills.

Yeah, i agree with you, sir. The students can learn the trade from beginning with demo account. But, they would better to focus in lessons first.


Hell, yeah. If I knew about forex trading when I was a student, I probably wouldn't have wasted a lot of time on parties and other useless (but fun) stuff.


At the same time, when you are a student, you don't have that much money... That means it can affect your trade decisions because you really dont wanna loose this money. So maybe you will be scared too fast and exit a winning trade....


I really think Forex can be a very good option for all people, student or not, with enough time to prepare before to trade live, but not for people who want to win money quick and without efforts, Forex is one of the most hard ways to earn money, very very more difficult than with standard job...