Is Forex trading makes you happy?


I am sure, majority traders would say that they are happy in dealing to Forex because of the huge profit they earned. How about you? Did Forex makes you happy?


No it did not. It is a job : sometimes exciting, sometimes dull, a job

I am sure, majority traders would say that they are happy in dealing to Forex because of the huge profit they earned. How about you? Did Forex makes you happy?

it make me happy when i win when the movement on the chart are clear and i can make gain through it but for yet i didn't reach for any goal so I'm little disappoint but i will try again for reaching to what i hope because it' good chance for do something on this market with more patience.


Yes forex made me happy . It is a good work for people who want usage of their free time . They can earn some handsome amount as I make money in my student life with forex that helped me to make study expenditures , It is a home based work where you need not to go out for job.


We can get mixed emotions in Forex trading. But the most common emotions we can get are being happy and sad. We can experience joy if we are doing good in trading, if we are having a good trading day. This is equivalent to profiting and earning. But otherwise, we can experience sadness especially if we are losing and having a bad trading day.

I agree with leebelisar, Forex could make you really happy, except in the cases when you are losing money.
It’s obvious that when you’ve had an unsuccessful trade and you’ve lost the invested money you cannot feel the same elation like when you have a big winner .But still, the point is to overcome these emotions and to deal with losing by defining risk.
Finding the balance between what you might want and what you could actually achieve could make you experience the satisfaction from trading.

If you trade for happiness, then soon there will be no happiness :)

It should be like all the jobs : boring


If you trade for happiness, then soon there will be no happiness :)

It should be like all the jobs : boring

Aren't they all doing it for happiness?:):):)
Yes, i've never found any better excitments or hobbies than forex trading. Since i started forex, i quit playing video games. Perhaps, i am addicted already. Day by day, i am getting stronger as a trader, and i enjoy it. I appreciate the market and people who made this market exists....  :-)
To be honest it is a strange feeling, not real happiness. From the beginning when you place your order it’s a bit nervous, but when you collect the Profit and you see Balance below you definitely feel happy :)
Depending if I am winning or losing, Forex trading is making me sometimes extremely happy or very sad. Good thing is that it is making me more happy than sad. This is what I am wishing to all the traders, to be more happy than sad with Forex trading !