Coding help... Cyclical indicator - page 16


I do not look at indicator like that

What I am trying to find out if it will change past values or not. If it does not, then it is suitable for signals. If it does, then I try to find out why. If it is because of the mathematical model, then it is a candidate for estimation. Otherwise it is a coding error, and I avoid indicators like that (and, as it is known, I recommend to others to avoid them to - wrongly coded indicator is simply that : an error. Cases when there is some use of it are so minimal that they tend to 0)

unfortunately it will change past values...

unfortunately it will change past values...


That is why I told that it should not be used in signaling mode



i read some of the threads with FFT and Hurst Cycles ideas.

I thought i would be interesting to experiment with manual cycle identification.

The idea is to draw a Sinwave in an Indicator window where the Freqency (Cyclelengh, like 31 Periods)

and the Shift (to allign the tops or lows) can be adjusted.

The purpose gets more value when the Sinwave doenst stop at Bar 0 , instead it

draws in the future to approximate possible points of change in the future.

To make it more clear i added a picture

My Code abilities are limited i am learning mql.

So if somebody can give me a hint how to realise this simple indicator (sinwave which goes in the future)

i would be very happy.



i read some of the threads with FFT and Hurst Cycles ideas.

I thought i would be interesting to experiment with manual cycle identification.

The idea is to draw a Sinwave in an Indicator window where the Freqency (Cyclelengh, like 31 Periods)

and the Shift (to allign the tops or lows) can be adjusted.

The purpose gets more value when the Sinwave doenst stop at Bar 0 , instead it

draws in the future to approximate possible points of change in the future.

To make it more clear i added a picture

My Code abilities are limited i am learning mql.

So if somebody can give me a hint how to realise this simple indicator (sinwave which goes in the future)

i would be very happy.


Using sine waves is one of the basis of Fourier transform

Why don't you check this thread : ?


Hello mladen,

thank you for your reply. I already rad the hole thread and others of this Forum, which brought me to this idea i posted.

Like i wrote, i want to explore the cycles in a other way. The approach is timebased only for now.

The Problem i have, is i cant find tutorials for the sinewave because google is full with this "sinewave indicator".

In fact i like to draw a sinewave which tops and lows are in sync whith certain timestamps in the chart (the vertical line in the image).

The distance between 2 lines is in my example 31 Periods, which should be the cycle lengh.

The sinewave just repeats, also in the future.

I like to experiment in a backtest how valuable this kind of timestamp(point/direction) forecasting is.

Can you give me a hint where i can find informations how to realise this or parts of this.

for exaple how to draw a simple sinewave(no price interaction/calculation needed) in the indicator window?



I revieved my indicator libary and found one which fits my needs, but it has a bug.

its the Spectrometr_Separate_Selective Cycle 2.06.mq4 from the fourier thread.

(i disabled the other 7 waves)

The problem is ,the indicator stops to draw enough into the past, i mean the past line is too short.

This occurs when i reduce the cycle period. (in my cause i needed 31)

mladen can you fix this problem or tell me what the problem is in the code?

I revieved my indicator libary and found one which fits my needs, but it has a bug.

its the Spectrometr_Separate_Selective Cycle 2.06.mq4 from the fourier thread.

(i disabled the other 7 waves)

The problem is ,the indicator stops to draw enough into the past, i mean the past line is too short.

This occurs when i reduce the cycle period. (in my cause i needed 31)

mladen can you fix this problem or tell me what the problem is in the code?

It is not a bug. It is the way it is calculated. Some more information you can find here : Fourier transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


So you mean its a feature ,

i guess that means its impossible to tweak it.

I thought i was closer to a soloution for my idea of post

So you mean its a feature ,

i guess that means its impossible to tweak it.

I thought i was closer to a soloution for my idea of post

No, I do not mean that it is the future

The indicator is showing exactly what past data was used as a sample for calculation. If the sample was extended back in the past then the result would be different. That is why the indicator is showing exactly which data was used for calculation and for which past data those cycles are a result


Hi all

is it possible to apply TMA Centered Oscillator to another indicator rather than the price?

In other terms, may I apply the TMA C.O. to the indicator I attach here?



