Metatrader known bugs ... - page 69


Saw an article earlier today saying PNG and JPG extensions are being used as a virus envelope for Android phones, I wonder..........

Also found a new "enhancement" in 711. When you compile one changed buffer, it saves all the other unsaved buffers. Thought this was fixed a while ago but it is baaaaaaaaack.

Saw an article earlier today saying PNG and JPG extensions are being used as a virus envelope for Android phones, I wonder.......... Also found a new "enhancement" in 711. When you compile one changed buffer, it saves all the other unsaved buffers. Thought this was fixed a while ago but it is baaaaaaaaack.

Why in the first place a company that claims to be a big company has a need to use extensions like that to pass antivirus warnings? Amateur work


Build 738 (yes, there was such a build too)





return: Access violation read to 0x00000000 when called from a different timeframe

It worked OK in build 737 (yes, that build existed too)

Build 738 (yes, there was such a build too)





return: Access violation read to 0x00000000 when called from a different timeframe

It worked OK in build 737 (yes, that build existed too)

I don't know what are these guys doing

First new build were having a few bugs, but were relatively stable and we were waiting that those few bugs get cleaned up and to go on. But, instead, with each new build the mess is bigger and bigger and the things that used to work are not working any more

And the only answer of mq is ... nothing. They do not answer to reports of new bugs any more for a long time. As if that way the bugs will disappear - pretend that they are not there and they will disappear


I don't think it will ever be stable again

I don't think it will ever be stable again

Chances are less then slim

Chances are less then slim

With mod answers like : "everything works fine for me" and then the guy added this :

Tested 740.

Same things like previous, buy maybe after longer period of time from start.

On Window XP:

- not loading libraries with message: "cannot call ...." "name.ex4" not loaded

- array out of range in many cases

- loading indicator failed

- invalid ex4 file

It looks like memory alocation, overwrite or related problems.

not too much chances


I know - each new build s is just getting worse and worse and metatrader has no idea what is happening to their trading platform. Even big guys of metatrader are quiet now



Use only the build provided by your broker. Or you can get ...


Posting the whole picture from metaeditor and what does the metaeditor tell me when I try to compile the file in the current opened window :

I would rather not comment anything ... except that in some cases we simple can not know what will the new metatrader do. Only wild guess what is going on with the upper example, but I leave the guesses to mq. If metaeditor is not able to compile the file in the current window, then some things are becoming crystal clear

error.gif  48 kb