Training dynamics evolution of a new forex


I guess I been posting here awhile sharing my thoughts and ideas for creating systems to trade the forex, so with the winter months approaching I will have some free time and decided to start a thread for 2 systems I use to trade the forex, I want to give a shout out to Xard777 as he has been a big inspiration to me following his threads for several years. I've been trading the forex for 7 years now so I know alittle bit about what is going in the markets currently and it's not a very pretty thing as manual traders we need to reinvent ourselves and stay on the cutting edge or we are doomed to failure.

In 08 and 09 I was trading the forex with the greatest of ease often strining along 20-30 in a row winners, then I had a little personal set back in my life where I was sentenced to prison for 2 years and when I got out, I could'nt beleive what I saw. It's been 9 months since my release date and I have been burning the candle at both ends to create systems that humans can use to level the palying field against high frequency trading computers and what I will sahre with you on this thread are the systems and ideas I think are necessary to trade todays markets.

I would really appreciate if this thread can be a controlled enviroment, I have tested 100's of indicators and created dozens of systems, so rather than having alot of newbies adding thier insight into trying this indicator or that one, I prefer this thread be a sharing of the their own ideas trading these systems to enlighten other traders as to how they are percieving price action with samples of trades they took and what the criteria for that trade so we can all learn.

In addition to sharing the templates and indicators, I myself will be demonstrating trades I take posting samples as to the criteria for that trade as well. I'm not expecting this to be a 700,00 post thread I do have alife away from the computer, but I promise what I share with you will be genuine and authentic, a learnign experience in addition to providing you some tools to not get slaughtered in this market

For future refrence I want to let you know up front I am a terrible speller and I won't be spell checking everything I type, you'll just have to try to figure it out on your, with all that being said, in the next up-coming days i will start posting trade samples along with templates and indicators on how we might create an enviroment of creative thinking to make some pips in this crazy market...

Talk with you all later, god bless and happy pip hunting!



additional samples

Here, I will post for learning a few signs of ugly market dynaics that did not exist a few short years ago!

additional new images of changing market dynamics, are you prepared to do battle with the dragon, do you have the right tools to step into the area to do battle?


high frequency trading

can you see the software at work, I will post an article so you can be aware why or how the markets are changing, the why is open for debate, but probably a deeper subject than most you care to go.

How close would you get toward the fire if you knew you could'nt be burned?, If a mean pitbull was chained outside a house and you new your limits of saftey, how close would you get? are you scared to use real moeny in the forex? These are the things I would like to discuss in this thread, not like some teenager with a gun who thinks he is invinsible, but as intellectuals on how you can survive. I beleive we can survive and thrive, but it will take getting out of your comfort zone.

High Frequency Forex Manipulation Evidence


This shit, don't have to be a fixed fight!!!

we need to quit playing on their terms, i don't care who you are tading this pair intrday is the most difficult pair out there, I know for a fact I do battle with it on a regular basis. It's only a fixed fight when you meet them on their terms. why feed into it?

smaller time frames are ok, but they are just an illusion they don't even really exist man, all that noise, you might as well kiss your bank roll good bye!!!!

Unless you really know what you are doing, and do you?

All that noise on smaller times frames is there to do ONE thing f__K with your head!!! unless you can filter it out!


Doing fibs is a nightmare....

Ever pull your hair out asking why don't fibs work, it's because most of the moves today are artificial, totally bogus. But I have discovered that the major swings on smaller time frames respect them, that is. the 60 min swings on the 5 min chart, the 4hr swings on the 15 min chart, the daily swings on the 30 min and 60 min chart, and the weekly on the 4hr. Now you don't have to scratch your beanie wondering where are the real swings.

I have created moving average the same way, as well as preasure for buy and sell, the time frame combinations I mentioned are the best data you can have combined, I've tested and re-tested, and having 60 min swings on the 5 min will easily improve what you are seeing, just zoom out and do your fibs, cheers!

samples posted.


Noise elimination, is key...

Filtering out the noise is so critical it really is designed to make you sweat in panic and un-certainty...I have included to samples of loud and quiet!

This will be my last post until markets open, I wanted to share some food for thought with you to stimulate your motor skills and get you brain working and some insights as to what we traders face in the new forex, several post have been made to kick this thing off, If the reponse over the next couple of days seems to generate some level of interest I will devote the necessary time to ensure that you have what you need.

Happy pipping!


Drawing paralell trendlines

I have included some samples on the effectiviness of drawing parallel trendlines, pick a high/low drag your trendline over both tops, set to ray extening the line to infinity, then all you have to do is click that trenline make sure the little dots appear, press and hold the Ctrl key, and drag that trendlines to various lower highs and lows, to create an effective channel as to where price may fall, it's manual work, but it is work in my mind that can help you see clearing the dynamics in the markets, especially when fibs don't reveal anything, as often as they don't. But we have addressed that issue in earlier post, to a certain degree.


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Market noise....

The entire premise of this tread is to not only provide you some decent tools we can collectively use, because the sum is always greater than the whole, but to give ourselves a chance on our terms in the market, and one of the greatest challanges we face is market noise, it totally is there for one thing, to mess with your physcology, forget all the talk about volitility, these people can dictate and move the markets liek a vidoe game, and we are real life participants.

Lets not get killed, you can see in this sample and I have created these systems, with some help from my friend xard to keep us from getting killed to eliminate the one leading hurtle to success or trying too is market noise. It used to be that all the noise/chop/volitility whatever you want to call it was more on the smaller time frames, but now it is every where, but notice on the 4hr charts, how we have eliminated alot of that noise, noy all, but alot and the remaining chaos is limited as in the image, most of the unfiltered noise is min, average in this sample 20-30 pips, and this is on a 4hr time frame, I hope you are begining to understand what we are attempting to do here.


And that is to bring down the central banks, HAHAHAHA!!

p.s. Some of the best traders in the worl use line charts, for a, thanks to xard sharing this indicator we have line charts, with the high/low data n addition to intense filtering.

This indicator, and I have only been playing with it for a few hrs, help to really see impulsive and corrective cycles, and lower/highs, higher/lows just another filter on top of filters!!!

would you rather be right 50% of the time with bigger returns, using bigger stops, or right or right 70 % of the time beaking even or getting small gains. without filtering scalping is just that, I new a guy who told me 50 pip stops are insane, and I would say to him how many times do you get taken out with your little 10 pip stops in any given day? and then tell him my 50 pip stop is up 120 pips already mr mosquito.

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800 pips per month...

lets discuss the reality of makingmoney in the forex for a moment, I know alot of you are here because you have a dream, and dreams are good in todays world, as long as you help the next brother out alittle, hope that makes sense. You get what you give in this world, So, if you are new and starting small, you are already ahead of most, alot will spend thousands on systems, that can be created for free, it's how they make their money, no rocket science there.

Personally I'd like to see them trade those expensive systems, ok back to the topic.

So, here you are starting new, little moeny to start. The trick is to use biiger stops let those profits run, if you can generate 800 pips per month at 1$/pip that is 800 dollars for the month, not to bad, now nextmonth you are trading 2$/pip you are 1600$ that month, 3$/pip =2400 for the month. You don't need to get in there using most of your account to get the big score on smler time frames, I know trust me.

Let the market come to you, on your terms, there is no over night riches but I know the power of compounding and it can add up fast if you play your cards right, this is a learning process, one I have paid my dues over 7 years of trading, although U.S. brokers are 50:1 leverage it is still possible, they ( the brokers ) know 90% will be over traing this market, because they see no clear direction and beging chasing their lossses. I don't think your broker will appreciate you if you take your new 300$ account and turn it in to 800 your first month.

I know a few introducing brokers who offer custom indicators/systems for a fee, and they get like 1/2 a pip when you place a trade, and they demonstrate how they are in and out of the markets 5-10 times a day, sick, just sickening...greed is the ultimate evil, use your head think long term goals, 90 days, 120, 6 mos, you might be supprised where you find yourself. Once I get the final templates prepared as I am working on tweaking just laittle more, I hope to hear stories how traders are finally getting it and making some good pip totals.

800 pips per month is'nt pie in the sky, but the hype of over night riches, over exposing yourself to the markets is!!!


Thank you

Hi Ziggy,

Thanks for starting the thread. Your posts are always interesting and I look forward to seeing this thread unfold. You are certainly right about noise in todays markets.


the lower down the time frames, the more distorted it becomes.

The LSMA indicator is essentially a line chart, with color change. In my opinion the true reflection of price behavior if there is such a thing is on the daily. I will post a few samples to reveal somethings to you. also have done some fibs as to what price may do up-comming week.

This is why alot of traders only are concerned with the close price of market action and some only use E.O.D. data because everything else is non-existant, using line charts, or LSMA, which essentially is just that, can help you to see the distortions.

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