Using CCI to Make a Living Off Forex - page 31

I'll see what I can do but I'm not the most inspiring poster. I'm trialing this strategy with the view to attempting to automate it eventually if it proves fruitful, was wondering if anyone could suggest entry triggers? Back on page 17 golden1 mentioned the CCI crossing of the 0 or 100 but someone else also mentioned the 200 trend-line break. Was hoping to get a few suggestions to get the ball rolling with EA dev...
Do you mean the ma 200 line break?
Do you mean the ma 200 line break?
On last page blaiserboy wrote that (#291). IMO he meant the 100/-100 level break of CCI after an trend line break in CCI itself.

Hi all

been reading this thread with interest and was wondering if traders are still using this system and would the indicators and settings posted on page 1  still be relevant in today's market 




Hi all

been reading this thread with interest and was wondering if traders are still using this system and would the indicators and settings posted on page 1  still be relevant in today's market 




Did you try using the system?

If not, it is always the best to try it on a demo for a couple of months and then decide what to do after


Hi mladen

Thanks for your reply

I haven't tried the system yet as only recently come across this strategy  and your right the best way is to use a demo and see what the outcome is 

I was only wondering if the original settings and strategy to the system were relevant in today's market 



Smoothed_CCI by Alexander Gettinger
ATTENTION: Video should be reuploaded

It is less smooth than the original. Can it be made really smoother?


Hi, if anyone that is still looking at this thread. I have read through this whole thread and not found what is a ToR that is being used by JTG.

I searched back and forth reading through the thread multiple times looking for that indicator but cannot find it.

I would like to also know what kind of setting JTG used for the indicator for I would love to try this strategy and add it to my arsenal. 

I'm sorry if I asking all lot but I totally like the sound proof of this strategy and would love to have all correct indicator to use.

Thank You Very Much

I Hope To Hear From Someone Soon.



Hi, if anyone that is still looking at this thread. I have read through this whole thread and not found what is a ToR that is being used by JTG.

I searched back and forth reading through the thread multiple times looking for that indicator but cannot find it.

I would like to also know what kind of setting JTG used for the indicator for I would love to try this strategy and add it to my arsenal. 

I'm sorry if I asking all lot but I totally like the sound proof of this strategy and would love to have all correct indicator to use.

Thank You Very Much

I Hope To Hear From Someone Soon.


Hi ZeroProof

first to welcome here.

then if you narrow your asking ,possibly some one can answer you properly,it is hard to read whole thread like you to search out what you want to know.



Thank you for responding so fast.

I was asking about the ToR indicator that he used in his screen shot from page 5, #63

Its the indicator on the bottom of the screen showing CCI and ADX.

And again thank you very much for responding very quickly as I'm am responding to you now I have searched and found a thread about that indicator so I'm very happy and so close to trying out this strategy.

Good Luck In Life And Have A Great Adventure.



Thank you for responding so fast.

I was asking about the ToR indicator that he used in his screen shot from page 5, #63

Its the indicator on the bottom of the screen showing CCI and ADX.

And again thank you very much for responding very quickly as I'm am responding to you now I have searched and found a thread about that indicator so I'm very happy and so close to trying out this strategy.

Good Luck In Life And Have A Great Adventure.


Hi ZeroProof,

The old forums format more easy to find indicators compared to current one, it took me quite some time to look for the ToR indicator, which is stand for "Trending or Ranging" and coded by Nittany1.

ToR_1.25.ex4  17 kb