MONEY MAKING manual trading system - page 50

Hi everyone, I want to ask if you still trading system "MONEY MAKING manual trading system" and if it is still profitable. I really like this system - Now I'm using it on a demo account and looks goooooog ;-)

Full results for the last month (slightly modified MMM system):




Deposit/Withdrawal:[/TD] 0.00[/TD] Credit Facility:[/TD] 0.00[/TD] [/TD]


Closed Trade P/L:[/TD] 635.87[/TD] Floating P/L:[/TD] 0.00[/TD] Margin:[/TD] 0.00[/TD]


Balance:[/TD] 1 626.05[/TD] Equity:[/TD] 1 626.05[/TD] Free Margin:[/TD] 1 626.05[/TD]








Gross Profit:[/TD] 989.72[/TD] Gross Loss:[/TD] 353.85[/TD] Total Net Profit:[/TD] 635.87[/TD]


Profit Factor:[/TD] 2.80[/TD] Expected Payoff:[/TD] 4.68[/TD] [/TD]



Absolute Drawdown:[/TD] 23.50[/TD] Maximal Drawdown:[/TD] 91.13 (7.63%)[/TD] Relative Drawdown:[/TD] [TD="class: mspt, colspan: 2"]7.63% (91.13)


[TD="colspan: 14"]


[TD="colspan: 2"]Total Trades: [TD="class: mspt, colspan: 2"]136 [TD="colspan: 4"]Short Positions (won %): [TD="class: mspt"]67 (83.58%) [TD="colspan: 3"]Long Positions (won %): [TD="class: mspt, colspan: 2"]69 (78.26%)


[TD="colspan: 8"]Profit Trades (% of total): [TD="class: mspt"]110 (80.88%) [TD="colspan: 3"]Loss trades (% of total): [TD="class: mspt, colspan: 2"]26 (19.12%)


[TD="colspan: 2"]Largest [TD="colspan: 6"]profit trade: [TD="class: mspt"]60.76 [TD="colspan: 3"]loss trade: [TD="class: mspt, colspan: 2"]-30.64


[TD="colspan: 2"]Average [TD="colspan: 6"]profit trade: [TD="class: mspt"]9.00 [TD="colspan: 3"]loss trade: [TD="class: mspt, colspan: 2"]-13.61


[TD="colspan: 2"]Maximum [TD="colspan: 6"]consecutive wins ($): [TD="class: mspt"]20 (232.58) [TD="colspan: 3"]consecutive losses ($): [TD="class: mspt, colspan: 2"]4 (-75.84)


[TD="colspan: 2"]Maximal [TD="colspan: 6"]consecutive profit (count): [TD="class: mspt"]232.58 (20) [TD="colspan: 3"]consecutive loss (count): [TD="class: mspt, colspan: 2"]-75.84 (4)


[TD="colspan: 2"]Average [TD="colspan: 6"]consecutive wins: [TD="class: mspt"]6 [TD="colspan: 3"]consecutive losses: [TD="class: mspt, colspan: 2"]2



hi PierreCZ....i have several question?

1. how much is the risk you trade for one trade?

2. what pair do you use

3. what TF do you use

4. whats is the TP and SL (do you follow like the darkonix said...use sellstop expert and exit if nonlag change

thank you, hope you answer me.


sounds great system

but what about the stop loss and do you think the small fram may be genereate afaky signals


20% 80% rules in forex

How the 80/20 rule applies to your tradingQuick note: These are my personal observations over my 10+ years in the market. The 80/20 rule is not an ‘exact’ science, but it does give you a very effective way to make sense of many aspects of trading and how they all fit together. Also, all ‘80/20’ ratios discussed below should be thought of as “approximate” ratios, meaning they could actually be 75/25 or 90/10, etc.

“By the numbers it means that 80 percent of your outcomes come from 20 percent of your inputs. As Pareto demonstrated with his research this “rule” holds true, in a very rough sense, to an 80/20 ratio, however in many cases the ratio can be a lot higher – 99/1 may be closer to reality.”
I wanted to start off with the above quote by Yaro Starak because in trading, the 80/20 rule is more like 90/10 or sometimes even 99/1 as he says.

How often have you heard “90% of traders fail while only about 10% make consistent money”? Often, I am willing to bet. Whilst the exact ratio of traders who make money vs. those who lose money is obviously almost impossible to pinpoint, it probably is somewhere between 80/20 and 95/5. Have you ever thought to yourself “why is trading apparently so difficult that 80 or 90% of people fail at it?” I’m willing to bet you have, and here is my answer to this pervasive question:

Trading is the ultimate “less is more” profession, but it’s also extremely difficult for most people to come to grips with this fact by accepting the following:

  • 80% of trading should be simple and almost effortless, 20% is more difficult
  • 80% of profits come from 20% of trades
  • 80% of the time the market is not worth trading, 20% it is
  • 80% of the time you should not be in a trade, 20% you can be
  • 80% of trades should be on the daily chart time frame, 20% can be other time frames
  • 80% of trading success is a direct result of and money management, 20% is from strategy / system

Let’s delve into each of the above points a little deeper and see how you can start applying them to your trading, and hopefully start improving it, significantly.

so the monay management strategy the key elemnt for the sucsession the forexmarket


Hi all , here i am again. Nice to see that this method is working to most of you after so much time. Thank you all for contributing!

Best of luck from Darkonix !!!


Hi Darkonix

I am trying to learning Forex last 1yr but I cant get and make good results from it, I hope you will guide how I can make profit from this field. I have downloaded ur strategy.My question is,

It is still working?/


Hi All,

first of all I want to thank Darkonix for sharing this nice trading system for free.

Too bad the SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf indicator doesn't seem to work with the latest (as usual, forced) Metaquotes MT4 update (version 4, build 625). If someone could fix this, that would be great!

Already tried to compile this indicator again, but that doesn't work either:

SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4' SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4 1 1

'y' - unexpected token SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4 129 22

'=' - unexpected token SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4 129 23

'=' - unexpected token SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4 129 23

expression has no effect SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4 129 24

'y' - undeclared identifier SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4 131 34

4 error(s), 1 warning(s)


Nice traiding system with simple and clear rules.

As I can not watch my trading screen most of time. I modified indicators a little so instead of sending e-mails MT4 will send you instant notification to your Android also iPhone should be possible. Have only tried with Android.

Notification channel has some limitations, max 2 messages in 1 sec and 10 in a minute. Otherwise channel will be blocked for a while. Indicators code is not currently modified to follow notification limit rules.

This should help people who are sick of teaching MT4 how to send e-mails to gmail.

To setup Android and terminal you need to install Android application there is link for that in MT4 options. After app install you will find ID number of the app from your phone and there you go. Don't forget to restart MT4.

Anyone else having trouble with the SSL fast sbar mtf indicator??? Can't put in on my MT4 (version 4, build 625) charts! Compiling gives 4 errors and 1 warning... It's probably due to this latest, forced, crappy Metaquote update, but nobody else seems to complain about it (I've googled it already, downloaded this indicator again from different sources, but to no avail).


Hi All,

first of all I want to thank Darkonix for sharing this nice trading system for free.

Too bad the SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf indicator doesn't seem to work with the latest (as usual, forced) Metaquotes MT4 update (version 4, build 625). If someone could fix this, that would be great!

Already tried to compile this indicator again, but that doesn't work either:

SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4' SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4 1 1

'y' - unexpected token SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4 129 22

'=' - unexpected token SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4 129 23

'=' - unexpected token SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4 129 23

expression has no effect SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4 129 24

'y' - undeclared identifier SSL_fast_sBar_alert_mtf.mq4 131 34

4 error(s), 1 warning(s)


This one will work ssl_fast_sbar_alert_mtf_nmc.mq4

Happy trading


Is there an nmc version of this NonLagMA with an email alert already? If not, would you please add email alert . Thank you as always.
