Mr.Nims, Renko Ashi Scalping System. - page 265

Dear, Mr nims do You still using this system and is it still profitable like in The beggining?


The money he makes on a regular basis is huge, he has mastered Renko charts, he has it down to a technical science.....

If you will do the work and get into it with discipline and show some good progress, I just know that he will help you.

It takes dedication and action on your part, once he sees growth. I am quite sure that he will guide you.. it is up to you to get started, post charts, ask questions about your charts. so that he can see you doing what is required..... all of a sudden there will be pearls of wisdom dropped on you. it is up to you what happens.

When you see what LordFx did early in the thread you will see what is possible..... and what he did.. is not that great compared to what Nick does when he is seriously trading.

People continue to ask for indis and templates and what that shows is that they are not interested in doing the work required...

Trading is a self taught game, answers some to those that earnestly attempt to learn.

Load up the templates at the start of the thread, and start making entries on a demo... progress will be swift if you do the work

Good luck.!!


Hey DaveM,

I know that people keep continually saying or believing that "seeing is believing"

But Jesus said (I'm not sure where I read it or where i found it, maybe God's word or the Bible), that believing is seeing.

Very soon, when we have our first 6-digit or 7-digit Millionaires out of R-chart trading, the whole FX community will want to trade R-chart.

I have high hopes on myself and higher hopes on you!

My Best,


Hey DaveM,

I know that people keep continually saying or believing that "seeing is believing"

But Jesus said (I'm not sure where I read it or where i found it, maybe God's word or the Bible), that believing is seeing.

Very soon, when we have our first 6-digit or 7-digit Millionaires out of R-chart trading, the whole FX community will want to trade R-chart.

I have high hopes on myself and higher hopes on you!

My Best,


I will add to your post.

Nothing happens until there is action.

A trading plan is required..... a map so we know where we are going.

Persistence is to success as carbon is to steel. Without persistence a person may as well quit.

There has to be a goal and a commitment to achieve it.

As I mentioned. your spreadsheet turned on a light for me.... when I saw what is possible I decided to get that for me.

Took me a long time to develop the resolve to get there and then I made the inner decisions and started seeing answers.. solutions appeared...

That is what I have been attempting to convey in my posts... conviction, action, goals, purpose.

The system you have developed is exciting and most profitable if someone wants to work on the charts and learn. They have to do the steps and many people are reluctant to put in the effort. They want a freebie.

I have shown my friends your spreadsheet..... and they push me to meet the numbers hahahaha

Personally I have made a commitment to help some people in another country where poverty is abundant. That is my goal and my commitment. I have a plan for this family and I am committed to seeing it completed..... that is my motivator. We need a purpose greater than the money and the best purpose is to help another. Helping that family is the driver that made me get it together and learn how to get some good numbers of pips.

Thanks again Nick, you are making things possible that you had not considered.



Hama channel indicator license has expired? keep getting error message.

Blaiserboy, Hama channel indicator license has expired? keep getting error message.

I have seen the error message also.. but that does not prevent profitable trades....

Use that indicator until you locate something that is similar or better.

The important thing is to get some charts up and start making entries on a demo account.

Blaiserboy, Hama channel indicator license has expired? keep getting error message.

Joabng there is a non expiring version here .


Here is a very simple Renko layout and you can see that it is easy and not complicated...

This is using 50 pip boxes and LSMA 30.

No need to have a complex and confusing setup.


Tank you

mr nims and blasierboy!

in The Last days i have jused your system and i think it is good and it works bevause in some Pairs are more then 85% winners.

i juse your entry and juse tp 2renko blocks and sl also 2.when The First renko goes in my direction i trail The sl to 1 renko then its a 1:1 p/l

Tank you

mr nims and blasierboy!

in The Last days i have jused your system and i think it is good and it works bevause in some Pairs are more then 85% winners.

i juse your entry and juse tp 2renko blocks and sl also 2.when The First renko goes in my direction i trail The sl to 1 renko then its a 1:1 p/l

I am most happy for your success....!



Vacation Time!

Hi Folks and Members Trading Renko,

I Recommend to stop trading from today the 19th December and Start Trading again from Monday 6th Jan 2014.

The Reason is because of the following-

  • Possible Low volume, lower daily average and range-bound market, Due major players and institution traders will be out on holidays.
  • Possible too many bank holidays in different countries for Christmas and New Years.
  • Possible Broker Holidays, Increased Spreads, lowered Leverage and also server shut downs due to holidays etc

So take a break off trading and the computer and enjoy the chilly weather with a glass of beer or wine.

Happy Holidays to all!

Nick aka Mr,Nims