Coping trades to multiple broker metatrader accounts?


How can I copy simultaneously trades to multiple metarader accounts with different brokers?


Using tools like these: SignalCopy


I'd recommend SignalCopy, MetaTrader Account COpier, or any of the various solutions out there. You usually get what you pay for, so SignalCopy has some nice features, but there are free versions that do a portion of what the other tools do.

We are developing a copier as well, but ours will be open source, likely.


Thank you dwmcqueen.

SignalCopy is designed for work with different brokers (4 vs. 5 digits, different pair names, ECN with non-ECN) while free tools like MTAccount Copier (and some other commercial as well) do not work with different brokers in most cases.


I would think it'd be much easier to simply make an EA do this. It wouldn't be hard?


Why reinvent the wheel? You'd need to come up with a good way to share data - whether text file, database, system-wide global variables (The Constant Battle: TradeStation's Global Variable DLL ported to MetaTrader type functions - I can send you source on this).


I should have suspected someone selling software that does this to come up with an answer like that.

Write the info to a file, all EAs read from that file. End of story.


Trading simulators, signal/trades copiers, text copiers, signal senders/receivers, spy traders and so on:

- Signal Transmitter/Receiver: tool to send/receive text messages between MT4 instances; the tool is on this post; most recent version is on this post; 64bit version of TradeSwitch.DLL for server operating systems is on this post.

- Trades/Signals senders/receivers between 2 or more Metatraders: good public thread with many software programms.

- SignalSender and Signal Recerver: the tools to send and receive the trading signals via internet and forex-tsd calendar.

- trading simulator and backtester if manual systems/indicators is here.

- good trading simulator coded by Quantem: public thread.

- simple trading simulator with detailed explanation is on this page (elite section).

I should have suspected someone selling software that does this to come up with an answer like that. Write the info to a file, all EAs read from that file. End of story.

Point taken - my point is that there are FREE solutions to do this that have already been used, tested, etc. With the write to file, you have to worry about eventually cleaning it up (not hard to do), bad file writes, bad file reads, etc. Developers have put a lot of time in commercial ones and free ones to do all of this in robust ways - I suggest you look at them and if they don't meet your needs - either cost wise, featurewise or other, create your own.

Why reinvent the wheel? You'd need to come up with a good way to share data - whether text file, database, system-wide global variables ported to MetaTrader type functions - I can send you source on this).

Yes good idea to learn using dll with MT4