Market Statistics (Volume Histogram, VWAP with SD bands) - page 26

Hi all.

Update to above indicator to reduce computer load. Option of " PastDisplayClearanceBars " limits the amount of bars recalculated to the left of the vertical line instead of all the bars. Option also to add as many instances on a single chart as desired. Just increment the option " InstanceOnChart " for each new copy.



Thanks a lot for the update Brooky. Nice work.


(PS to admins: would have been nice with a thanks button for the posts )

Hi all.

Update to above indicator to reduce computer load. Option of " PastDisplayClearanceBars " limits the amount of bars recalculated to the left of the vertical line instead of all the bars. Option also to add as many instances on a single chart as desired. Just increment the option " InstanceOnChart " for each new copy.




Appreciate your contribution to market statistics. I was wondering if your indie is based on what version of akift's? Can you tell me if the VWAP is based on VWAP and not VWMA? Akift mentioned that the v6.2 was actually VWMA(Volume weighted moving average). Thank you .


General Current Market Information

Used Fonts "Segoe Print" . u can download form ( Microsoft ) ...

gcmi.png  31 kb
gcmi.mq4  13 kb

General Current Market Information ( Update )

Used Fonts "Segoe Print" . u can download form ( Microsoft ) ...


Since I realized MSv6.2 is just VWMA, I created a new indicator using some code snippets from Igorad's code. And I added VW-SD bands again. So now we have MSv7.0 which does the same thing MSv6.2 does but does its job much much faster.



Akif, may I ask you if you can add the "calculate using" function to MSv7.0? Thanks in advance.

mtf.png  20 kb

is anyone able (and of course, willing) to add value area (VA) to this last version of market statistics? this would be really useful to identify breakouts and new swings as well as safer areas for tp for example.

Hi all.

Update to above indicator to reduce computer load. Option of " PastDisplayClearanceBars " limits the amount of bars recalculated to the left of the vertical line instead of all the bars. Option also to add as many instances on a single chart as desired. Just increment the option " InstanceOnChart " for each new copy.



Is there a MTF version of this indicator?


Hi, I am looking for people that can help Refine the indicator Market_Statistics_v3 for my needs. I personally use MT 4, need MT 5 modification and change of date.


Really good indicator Akift (V7), very usefull with PA + Volumen. I would like to thank you the effort . I use 2 TF at the same graph


Hi all.

Update to above indicator to reduce computer load. Option of " PastDisplayClearanceBars " limits the amount of bars recalculated to the left of the vertical line instead of all the bars. Option also to add as many instances on a single chart as desired. Just increment the option " InstanceOnChart " for each new copy.

Hi Mladen & Mr Tools,

The above Indi hangs and still seems a little cpu intensive. Does it have to made NMC?

Basically looking for PVP, VWAP and SD bands ( Jperl method)

Im using mt4 625 for stocks etc ( not forex )

Appreciate your help and all the great work you guys do
