Trading System by Xard777 - page 283

to version 5 or another version of 4?

another version of MT4, but a radical one , meaning they try to unite the coding /indicators from MT4 with Mt5 , if i understood it right .

things are going great as you can see here


Thank you for a new sysystem, I will try this on Monday


which xard system are you using?


My template

which xard system are you using?

Download the trading system on post # 2734. Then download the indicator on post # 2503 and add it to the trading system you just downloaded. Then read the instructions on post # 2482. Hope this helps!

My template

Is this template for the latest system shared by xard onpost # 2734 and using the indicator on post # 2503.

If not, how does your system differ from the latest system shared by xard? Also, please go into a greater detail using a picture to describe your system.


Is this template for the latest system shared by xard onpost # 2734 and using the indicator on post # 2503.

If not, how does your system differ from the latest system shared by xard? Also, please go into a greater detail using a picture to describe your system.


Did I say that its soemthing different than XARD system ? No. BPippen asked which system we are using. I attached tempate I am using. Probably should give more details but I see you have done that perfectly.

Did I say that its soemthing different than XARD system ? No. BPippen asked which system we are using. I attached tempate I am using. Probably should give more details but I see you have done that perfectly.

When you are assisting someone with a reply, you should have quoted that trader so we know that you were replying back to them instead of jumping into a thread and making a posting that was confusing to all. Nobody asked if you were using something different than xard's system which was obvious since the template was named "xard" We have many, many different versions of the system and that was way it was asked if you were using the most updated one. You shouldn't take offense to the posting since your posting was the vague and confusing one. LAMO

Hi sengkek,

If you think of the Forex market as being the biggest bank vault that you could ever imagine stashed full with depositors hard earned money and all that money is secured by a Time-Lock. Now this timelock is a timer made up of all the different time frames (daily, 4hr, 1hr etc..) like tumblers in a safe's combination and it is designed specifically to prevent the opening of these huge vault doors until it reaches a pre-set time, even if the correct combination is known.

Now comes along 96% of the Forex traders who all want to get their hands on all that wonderful tax-free cash, but unbeknown to them is it's on a timelock, so what happens?... they all end up making lots and lots of non-refundable deposits into the Forex bank vault that just keeps getting bigger and bigger of every second that the timelock is on.

Now, the 4% Fat Cat traders, they sit back and don't make any deposits because they already know that all they have to do is WAIT for the time frame tumblers to all align up in sequence for the timelock to switch off and the massive vault doors to swing open, and sure enough when it does it is paying out like America paying out money to third world countries. There are containers of cash flying out to this guy and containers of cash paid out to that guy, there is tons of money flying out every conceivable direction.

And looking from afar is one of our 96% traders, he sees all the fireworks and hears all the fanfare of the celebrations of the big Forex payouts and he thinks I want some of that and sure enough he goes running back as fast as his little legs will take him back up to the bank vault with it's massive bank vault doors only to find that they are closed and guess what? they are on a timelock.

So what does our guy do? He is so engrossed in the celebrations and wants so much to be part of it that in the heat of the moment he goes and makes (you've guessed it) a non-refundable deposit.

So to answer your question re checking of higher time frame first before entering a trade?

I am going to let you ponder over that question a little longer.

All the best


Worth repeating


Hi XARD777,

First of all I would like to thank you for your great trading system.

Is it you possible to convert this system for Amibroker?

