Trading System by Xard777 - page 177



Thanks Teresh...Now that "TwodoorGirl" indicator has a whole different meaning for me....


Does !BDP SEFC84 v2.mq4 repaint ?

Does !BDP SEFC84 v2.mq4 repaint ?

read what one of the most gifted coders in the public domain on the best forum in the world has said a few posts back.

if you are too lazy to read then you dont deserve to make a thing.

he gives you this advice and his code free.

if you are too lazy to download it and test it you dont deserve to make a thing.

did i mention free? have a word with yourself boy.


I agree

Well said Francis


Hi Xard, its the weekend, so i hope you have time to look at this

This system looks really good and i am keen on getting it right and not just downloading indicators. So would it be save to summaries an entry position as follows

1- When price hits any or all of !BDP OANFX4,!BDP OANFX5,!BDP OANFX3.

2-Sometime before that, SSA hits the faster T3trix line.

3- Both trix line crosses and change to green for a buy.

4-You buy, Right?

Now with the knowledge that !BDP OANFX recalculate and SSA reprints, is there something that i am missing?

Once again thanks for all your effort and contribution to strangers from around the world like me. Nice weekend


Still needed Help, Please!

Hii Teresh ... thank you for the development of SSA-Trix. There are things that become my observations, which may be useful in the development of these trix. I hope you are able to do it. I desperately need a horizontal line in the chart is automatically created when slow-trix cross the line Zero. The horizontal line at a point close candle. I hope you can do it.

Hii Teresh ... thank you for the development of SSA-Trix. There are things that become my observations, which may be useful in the development of these trix. I hope you are able to do it. I desperately need a horizontal line in the chart is automatically created when slow-trix cross the line Zero. The horizontal line at a point close candle. I hope you can do it.

can you show this in a diagram as i dont understand the request?



Hi Francisfinley...Sorry for the lack of my english. I attach the picture, hopefully this wonderful forum to help...

wanted.jpg  92 kb
Hi Francisfinley...Sorry for the lack of my english. I attach the picture, hopefully this wonderful forum to help...

i will have a look for trix alerts first then see what crossing 0 alerts are kicking around then we can modify it to put the trix code in....

indicators aren't too painful to make... just copying and pasting gets me by!!


Please someone post !FT MMATH

Please post the MMath indicator from the

!FT iteration of Xard setups...please

the !FT MMath v3 I think it was called...

