Trading System by Xard777 - page 175


Euro Swings

Just wanted to share my swings with you, now these are hundreds, and thousands of pips, but for euro traders it will give you some guidelines to trade intrday, levels that I can't possibly give you but here are my swings.

we've reached a top on the euro from .4525, look for shorts to supports @ .3762, then swing back up to (R) level .4952, pullback to to who knows where, next (R) level .5665, pullback, next and final level (R) .6882 have fun as I am long the cad from .95.97 to 9800.

If you have good indicators to identify support/resistance and give signals, you should make some pips

God Bless,


Better Latte than never...

or you trade professional (find the best point enter)or play (lose money)

Hey their WilteredFire. On last nights reversal I got in a little late, but on the one this morning it was the candle that the picture was taken. had a decent candle pattern to turn around and price crossed back over the OanFX5 line. I noticed that I'm getting better and better at taking this move the more I do it. I have even been able to take counter trend trades against the trend and direction of the channel, but I wouldn't recommend it until you got it down taking it with the channel. This is my last trade that I will be posting for a while.

I need to figure out how to take my trading up to the next level. So I might be gone for a while, but hope to come back even better then before.

I hope everyone can learn from Xards Setups. And I wish everyone the best and good luck.


Hey Ish, thanks for the reply bro. You've done well in your trades, really looking forward to hearing how you progress.

I just noticed your 2 yellow and blue MA's/Goldbands look different to mines, Ive got the 25 period GoldBand but not the other one, Im guessing thats new for the BDP v5 Xards given you? Hope you can share that sometime, will help to take entries properly


cable swings

Look for the cable to drop 1000 pips from the previous high, down to 1.5380, then shoot back up too 1.9971 area, Resistance levels along the way long term are 1.7741, 1.8703

God Bless,


P.S. a bonus on the yen, .8400, too to .8125, back up to .8400, down to 76.90, 94.2 retrace incase some of you are'nt aware the banks love 94.2


You had contributed and making this thread fun!

Hey their WilteredFire. On last nights reversal I got in a little late, but on the one this morning it was the candle that the picture was taken. had a decent candle pattern to turn around and price crossed back over the OanFX5 line. I noticed that I'm getting better and better at taking this move the more I do it. I have even been able to take counter trend trades against the trend and direction of the channel, but I wouldn't recommend it until you got it down taking it with the channel. This is my last trade that I will be posting for a while.

I need to figure out how to take my trading up to the next level. So I might be gone for a while, but hope to come back even better then before.

I hope everyone can learn from Xards Setups. And I wish everyone the best and good luck.


Thanks Ismael for making this thread more fun to read and learn. Although I don't play real account, but this kind of thread help and lead me to the right direction. As you said "practice, practice and practice" can help seeing the charts and market better.

Taking me few years to understand small and bigger Time Frame. In the past, when I traded I never look at the big TF (noobs:-)). Same old rule, "never trade againsts the BIG TF".

Even now I am still newbie. Thanks Master Xard for easy templates indicators. Hopefully, one day I can get my money back from Ibfx:-).

Wish you all the bests and come back here sometime.


Better Latte than never...

This isn't always true in forex trading actually.


Can someone please convert this indicator to a 4 digit broker one?

bdp_profit.mq4  12 kb
Thanks for the code teresh....I tweaked it to match my code... it now runs sweet...cheers

All the best

Xard777 always.....

hi xard / teresh how did we get tereshes indicator working correctly?


removed indicator as they are useless.



hi Xard, thanks for sharing your system and indicators with us. Does your system work with smaller time frames or is it best with 4hrs and above?
