My Forex Prediction using Advanced GET - page 28


Hi, Guys:

An Extract of My Transactions for Aug 24 and 25

I am attaching herewith a doc file containing an extract of my transactions for yesterday (Aug 24) and today (Aug 25) where I was focusing my trading activities on GBPJPY and GBPUSD.

Aug 24 (Mon): I did 3 transactions – lost 1 trade, gained 2 trades, giving me a net gain of US$416.00;

Aug 25 (Tue): I did 6 transactions – lost 3 trades, gained 3 trades, but giving a net gain of US$428.00;

You will notice my Stop Loss is around 20 pips and my Profit is only 30 pips ie giving a Risk/Reward ratio of 1.5:1 (not even 2:1);

Most of my trades were SHORTs yesterday, whilst today all the trades were SHORT-SALES.

These trades were made with the aid of an Elliott Wave software and coupled with a Theory of Statistical Odds that I am now developing and applying to my trades. You will notice from the last 4 transactions that though I had 2 consecutive losses of US$200.00 each (totaling US$400.00) I still continue to SHORT 2 more trades. (This is not a Martingale system). The Lot Size was kept at a constant of 1 lot and the R/R just 1.5:1;

I have so far applied (1) economic analysis, (2) technical analysis (incl EW), (3) my human judgment – which is not that fantastic. One thing I have NOT done was to deal with the element of chance which I am now trying to introduce into my trades.

It is very much in its “infancy” stage of development, and I intend to test it EVERY DAY. Grail it daily to see how it can survive the cruel changes in market conditions. I am focusing on GBPJPY, GBPUSD and EURUSD.

Shall keep readers updated from time to time.


Hi, shady2500:

I can only answer your question regarding signals and analysis. Advanced Get analyses the chart patterns by labelling them as Primary Waves 1-5 with Waves 2 and 4 as A, B and C. It does NOT give Buy or Sell or Stay Aside signals. The user has to figure this out himself.

However, it does give the user profit targets.

To fully appreciate Elliott Wave theory, please refer to my posting reply to Joe44. Personally, you will not be able to fully make use of the software unless you have a good knowledge of EW, as there are no Expert Advice.


Thank you Kenneth for helping me, but i want to have the program which works as live please help help help

Hi, Guys:
An Extract of My Transactions for Aug 24 and 25

I am attaching herewith a doc file containing an extract of my transactions for yesterday (Aug 24) and today (Aug 25) where I was focusing my trading activities on GBPJPY and GBPUSD.

Aug 24 (Mon): I did 3 transactions – lost 1 trade, gained 2 trades, giving me a net gain of US$416.00;

Aug 25 (Tue): I did 6 transactions – lost 3 trades, gained 3 trades, but giving a net gain of US$428.00;

You will notice my Stop Loss is around 20 pips and my Profit is only 30 pips ie giving a Risk/Reward ratio of 1.5:1 (not even 2:1);

Most of my trades were SHORTs yesterday, whilst today all the trades were SHORT-SALES.

These trades were made with the aid of an Elliott Wave software and coupled with a Theory of Statistical Odds that I am now developing and applying to my trades. You will notice from the last 4 transactions that though I had 2 consecutive losses of US$200.00 each (totaling US$400.00) I still continue to SHORT 2 more trades. (This is not a Martingale system). The Lot Size was kept at a constant of 1 lot and the R/R just 1.5:1;

I have so far applied (1) economic analysis, (2) technical analysis (incl EW), (3) my human judgment – which is not that fantastic. One thing I have NOT done was to deal with the element of chance which I am now trying to introduce into my trades.

It is very much in its “infancy” stage of development, and I intend to test it EVERY DAY. Grail it daily to see how it can survive the cruel changes in market conditions. I am focusing on GBPJPY, GBPUSD and EURUSD.

Shall keep readers updated from time to time.


Well done Kenneth! It's rewarding to get wins. Me i got stop once on long gbpjpy, once on long eur usd. Now i am 130 pips into a gbpjpy short, and 30 pips into another eurusd long again. We'll check later the outcome.



It is amazing that price movements can turn around at a snap of a finger.

Earlier I was seeing GBPJPY down by 161 pips from the Open and GBPUSD was down by 76 pips from Open and EURUSD was also down. (It was a good thing all my trades have been closed, otherwise they will now be losses.)

Now the EURUSD is up by 49 pips as per Elwave analysis (yesterday it was down when it should be up - that is an irony of charts), and GBPUSD is now up by 9 pips from Open and GBPJPY is down only by 51 pips from Open.

This turnaround demonstrates time and time again the changing nature of price movements - can be down at one point and give it a few hours they can go up - a tale of two cities.

Because of such a type of market phenonomen, I am now in the process of developing an approach (using elements of chance) to handle such situations and adjust itself to the new market environment to recalculate the odds.

When your profit has reached a reasonable level, don't stretch your luck too much - lock in your profits. As I always say "money in your pocket is better than out in the street."



Hi guys

please help me to find the 8th part or give me what you are using which is working real time


Hi, Guys:

I have made my 30 pips gain already. Sold at 153.72 and Bought back at 153.42;

Later shall attach an extract of the transaction.

Now I am switching over to my stock market.


Hi, Guys:

I have made my 30 pips gain already. Sold at 153.72 and Bought back at 153.42;

Later shall attach an extract of the transaction.

Now I am switching over to my stock market.


Attached is a doc file showing an extract of my transaction this morning EST - Malaysia - a quick gain of 30 pips within less than an hour. Just pure luck - the element of chance was in my favour - that's all.



Hi, Guys:

I SHORT again GBPJPY this afternoon (Malaysia):

1. At 9:08 at 153.79 and Bought back at 153.49 - a gain of 30 pips.

2. Then at 9:32 SHORT again at 153.73 and Bought back at 153.43 - a gain of 30 pips.

All the trades were closed within less an hour.

so in total (plus this morning) - 3 winners - a total gain of 90 pips, totalling US$900 over for today.

Attached is a doc file containing this afternoon's transactions.

