Fast Fourier Transform - Cycle Extraction - page 75



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Trading and making $$ silently , trying to stay off the brokers radar


Rookie assistance required

Hi Mladen:

After reading Hurst´s "Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing" some years ago, i always believed that the way to go should be with cycle analysis.

Since Goertzel Browser is far away beyond my very rudimentary understanding of MQL4, i ask your kindly assistance on this:

I d like to create a second Buffer to this indicator with the dominant cycle period for the last closed bar (the one comtuted at that time). As i was not able to find out that variable in the code, i ask you where it is (i believe is the one printed on screen after "1 period: ....".

Sorry for my bad english and lack of knowledge.

Thanks in advance,


Trading and making $$ silently , trying to stay off the brokers radar

I can relate

Hi Mladen:

After reading Hurst´s "Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing" some years ago, i always believed that the way to go should be with cycle analysis.

Since Goertzel Browser is far away beyond my very rudimentary understanding of MQL4, i ask your kindly assistance on this:

I d like to create a second Buffer to this indicator with the dominant cycle period for the last closed bar (the one comtuted at that time). As i was not able to find out that variable in the code, i ask you where it is (i believe is the one printed on screen after "1 period: ....".

Sorry for my bad english and lack of knowledge.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Verdoclev,

Search for "Cycleperiod.mq4" here at FX-TSD and you should get what you need



Hi Verdoclev,

Search for "Cycleperiod.mq4" here at FX-TSD and you should get what you need



Hi Pip,

Thanks for your prompt answer. I ll check your hint.

Now i must say that you all are awesome in forex-tsd and particularly here in this thread (even Pava fulfills a controvertial role with his skepticism, bringing our dreams back to earth).

Thanks to all,



Hi Pip,

I believe that the indicator "Cycleperiod.mq4" you mentioned, is the one coded to mql4 by Witold Wozniak and which is inspired by Ehlers ´s "Cybernetics Analysis for Stock and Futures" (namely, chapter 9: Measuring Cycles - coded by Chris Kryza ).

Not wanting to judge the merit and logic of this indicator - for that, one must study the hole chapter -, it seems to me the resulting indicator is not sufficiently stable for my purposes. And of course to all interested in the implications of this issue, the reading of chapter 10 of the same book (Adaptative Cycle Indicators) is mandatory.

So, with the risk of seeming impertinent, i ask again to anyone who know the code of Goertzel Browser, which one is the variable that appears printed on screen after "1 period: ...."?

Thanks again,



I got it


Never mind... i already got it.

To all interested, the instructions i was trying to find were:

line 58 new instruction: double buffer2[]; //actually a new 4th indicator buffer

new line 84: SetIndexBuffer(3, buffer2);

new line 565: if (cycleNo==1) buffer2[0]=period;

and voilà...

Thanks to all anyway...



Sorry, evidently i was missing the rewriting of:

Line 9: #property indicator_buffers 4


Line 80: IndicatorBuffers(4);

Many pips to all,



"even Pava fulfills a controvertial role with his skepticism, bringing our dreams back to earth" can we earthlings see the final result of what you are talking about?...:)

"even Pava fulfills a controvertial role with his skepticism, bringing our dreams back to earth" can we earthlings see the final result of what you are talking about?...:)

He is talking about one of these : (or version 5.1)