Ivan`s trading style - page 20


can you share the spareman sogo?

can we have TPL plz

He what you want ?



Could you post your VQMVS please ?




Hi all. I dont know how much work those indicaters wether they are good or not. but I like to use RCI indicaiter with 3 level semafor. it is really nice.

if you guys can check what the good combination of 3 level, everyone will be apriciated it on forex trading.

Is there Email alert only apper :3: baroon ?

from Japan



Jessica keough:
which tpl do you want q82002?

which you are useing

I am using these indicater.



Heikenasi smoothed

bolinger bans

3 level semafor

Hi all.. Hi shogo can u share Spearman indic.. im more interested in that indic.. thanks in advance


Spearman's Rank Correlation

Hi. This is RCI definition.

Spearman's Rank Correlation

[Copy and PAsted]

Spearman's Rank Correlation is a technique used to test the direction and strength of the relationship between two variables. In other words, its a device to show whether any one set of numbers has an effect on another set of numbers.

It uses the statistic Rs which falls between -1 and +1.

Procedure for using Spearman's Rank Correlation

State the null hypothesis i.e. "There is no relationship between the two sets of data."

Rank both sets of data from the highest to the lowest. Make sure to check for tied ranks.

Subtract the two sets of ranks to get the difference d.

Square the values of d.

Add the squared values of d to get Sigma d2.

Use the formula Rs = 1-(6Sigma d2/n3-n) where n is the number of ranks you have.

If the Rs value...

... is -1, there is a perfect negative correlation.

...falls between -1 and -0.5, there is a strong negative correlation.

...falls between -0.5 and 0, there is a weak negative correlation.

... is 0, there is no correlation

...falls between 0 and 0.5, there is a weak positive correlation.

...falls between 0.5 and 1, there is a strong positive correlation

...is 1, there is a perfect positive correlation

between the 2 sets of data.

If the Rs value is 0, state that null hypothesis is accepted. Otherwise, say it is rejected.

What I want to do is only to enable alert when "3" Level pops up.


and where can i download it?


Jessica, Shogo posted the indicator in post #195. In his picture he has BOTH of the indicators in the same chart window ie. he has vq and rci in the same window. In order to get it to look like his chart you need to put on 1 of the indicators on top of the second indicator. All you do is first put on either one of the indicators onto your chart, next right click onto the second indicator and then slide your mouse over to the indicator window and then let go of the mouse. Hope that makes sense.

Jessica keough:
and where can i download it?


Hi all. I dont know how much work those indicaters wether they are good or not. but I like to use RCI indicaiter with 3 level semafor. it is really nice.

if you guys can check what the good combination of 3 level, everyone will be apriciated it on forex trading.

Is there Email alert only apper :3: baroon ?

from Japan

any of these indicators repainting or not?